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Apr 11, 2024
Another model who has disappeared. This one hits particularly hard. CB - hellogentleamana. Anyone in touch with her, I just want to to know she is okay (and actually glad if she has left the biz). Thanks.
If you haven't heard from her or seen her online, she probably did quit. She doesn't have to tell you why or if she is okay because it is none of your business.

This industry has a revolving door of models. People come and go all the time. And other models usually arent going to know or if they do they certainly wont share with a stranger. Again, it isnt your business.
I'm sorry - I didn't ask for uninformed opinions. I know she doesn't owe me a damn thing. i care about her - sue me. Just asking if anyone knows whether or not she is ok. No more unrelated opinions please.
If they know anything, its none of your business or theirs to share. Doesn't matter if you care. She chose not to tell you about her plans on not streaming anymore.

That's the fact, jack
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If they know anything, its none of your business or theirs to share. Doesn't matter if you care. She chose not to tell you about her plans on not streaming anymore.

That's the fact, jack
Ok - thanks for your opinion. But your opinion is not fact. A number of studios control a model's ability to communicate, including social media channels. She may or may not have had a choice to communicate - not only to me, but to her other fans - her ability or desire whether to continue streaming. And you are not the authority on what is or is not "my business". Thank you for contributing, but my OP is not asking for judgements - just info and if someone can share. If not, I'll live on.
Ok - thanks for your opinion. But your opinion is not fact. A number of studios control a model's ability to communicate, including social media channels. She may or may not have had a choice to communicate - not only to me, but to her other fans - her ability or desire whether to continue streaming. And you are not the authority on what is or is not "my business". Thank you for contributing, but my OP is not asking for judgements - just info and if someone can share. If not, I'll live on.

If she has your contact info or know your socials, she chooses not to reach out. Studios cant stop models doing so in their free time.

Again none of this is your business. Get used to models vanishing and not telling you why.

You are asking people to share someone else's business with you- a stranger. Which is quite entitled of you.
Ok - thanks for your opinion. But your opinion is not fact. A number of studios control a model's ability to communicate, including social media channels. She may or may not have had a choice to communicate - not only to me, but to her other fans - her ability or desire whether to continue streaming. And you are not the authority on what is or is not "my business". Thank you for contributing, but my OP is not asking for judgements - just info and if someone can share. If not, I'll live on.
As a fellow member, I hate to be the one to break this to you, but the idea that studios are some kind of mind control organisations that can somehow prevent models from contacting members after they leave the studio is just ludicrous. If she didn't tell you it was because she chose not to.
I'm sorry - I didn't ask for uninformed opinions. I know she doesn't owe me a damn thing. i care about her - sue me. Just asking if anyone knows whether or not she is ok. No more unrelated opinions please.
Hey man, I sympathize with you, but they're correct. It's best never to get close to anyone you view. I've seen a few people I enjoyed watching abruptly leave in the few months I've been back. One came back, then split again. Part of the game.
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Come on OP it’s written everywhere, all over this forum, that we don’t help people with that stuff. How do you miss that? Seriously?

It would take 2 minutes to read around and research… what Audri said is 100 percent correct. Not opinion. Fact 🤦‍♀️
Hey man, I sympathize with you, but they're correct. It's best never to get close to anyone you view. I've seen a few people I enjoyed watching abruptly leave in the few months I've been back. One came back, then split again. Part of the game.
Happens a lot, especially with studio models. For them there is a lot more pressure to meet targets, but there is also an element like any other job where they move around studios for better working conditions. If the model wanted him to find her then she would already have told him where. Well, more likely she's indifferent rather than actively avoiding him.
Happens a lot, especially with studio models. For them there is a lot more pressure to meet targets, but there is also an element like any other job where they move around studios for better working conditions. If the model wanted him to find her then she would already have told him where. Well, more likely she's indifferent rather than actively avoiding him.
Your last sentence is probably accurate since cam sites are all fantasy based, even i you are communicating off site, correct?
Your last sentence is probably accurate since cam sites are all fantasy based, even i you are communicating off site, correct?
It's like everything in life. It will vary from situation to situation. I'd say there's a world of difference between exchanging the odd offline message about life in general and a suggestion of a romantic attachment (which based on some of the threads here, rarely amounts to anything more than a destructive fantasy).
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It's exactly how it's said before, this is something we won't help with on this forum.. simple as that, if she wanted you to know, she would have let you know, I have had studio girls take contact to me after they left a studio etc before, and it's a simple fact that if they want to, they will find a way.. at least if it's someone you talk to decently..

I DID look into this girl shortly.. and all of her accounts have been online within the last 2 weeks (some all the way down to 9 days) so she might even just be on vacation, chill...
If she has your contact info or know your socials, she chooses not to reach out.
To me, the question of whether this is parasocial, one-directional "caring" (versus something real and mutual), is answered by this: If there's a true relationship (even a real friendship), they would at least have each other's contact info.

I don't fault the OP for feeling sad or concerned. But even if the circumstance is not a true parasocial relationship, my observation is that offsite interactions can seem much more meaningful to the member than they are to the model. It continues to amaze me how some guys can spin something way up in their minds, completely oblivious to the fact that the model is going home to the family or partner and real life, and not even thinking about clients until the next shift.
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Hi, silverfox. You posted this in the Ask-A-Model section, and then you were unsatisfied with the response that an experienced model gave you...even though she told you the truth. And, imo, her post in this thread is really the only answer you needed, even if it's not what you wanted to hear.

If someone on this forum does happen to have the info and they choose to give you a harmless enough update (such as "She's fine, and on a short break"), that's their choice. But would you actually be satisfied by them just saying "Yes, I'm in touch with her, and she is fine." Or would you pester them with follow-up questions like "Well what is she up to now? When is she coming back? Can you tell her I said hi?" Because that is the kind of thing a lot of guys do (And not just on cam sites either)...not being able to take the hint when the person is trying to quickly end the conversation.

I don't know the model you're talking about, but wherever she is and whatever she's doing, I hope that she's enjoying her summer. And hope you enjoy yours too.
Thank you so much for your thoughtful response. Actually, the answer is yes - I would be content just knowing she is ok. I am not asking anyone to put me in contact with her or relay a message to her. I just know what her trends were in notifying her fans through her socials, and all just went silent. I was only asking if someone who might know could let me know she wasn't hit by a bus or something. But I understand the protection y'all have for one another and I have no hard feelings.
Per my response to yummybrownfox, I am not going to press this thread any further. I appreciate all who took the time to respond. See you soon in other topics! :)
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yes - I would be content just knowing she is ok.
Well we would all likely tell you to rest assured, it's pretty common for models to drop off the face of your digital earth, so please don't worry. (But also please don't be nosy.)
See you soon in other topics! :)
Hopefully you do stick around to see what our world is all about.
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