I never really understood how important it was to go get regular checkups as a webcam model.
I mainly do solo work, sleeping only with people I know are safe to sleep with and that I trust.
It was always guaranteed to me that I did not have an STD or STI or anything like that.
So why go see a doctor!? Right? NO WRONG, BAD CAM MODEL, GO ANYWAYS.
I'm not sure exactly what has caused me to get to the point im at now, but I can tell you that I regret
the decision not to go very much right now! I have been feeling really off the past month.
Stomach aches, back pain, neck pain, headaches, constant need to urinate, bloating, etc.
I'm a very fit model so this was really bothering me that I felt this way.
I figured it was my sitting posture from hours on cam and being in previous car accidents.
Well, yesterday morning, I woke up and felt this super sharp pain in my bladder.
I decided to eat, instead of having a coffee, I had an caffeinated vitamin water.
Nothing was helping and actually the pain started to move up my body and got more intense.
I started having difficulties urinating and when I would wipe, I'd find blood.
I looked up what to do in the situation and read that I should drink cranberry juice.
I walked to the nearest corner store, grabbed two small bottle of cranberry juice and walked home.
I had a friend come over to keep me company as I was feeling like I might go the the clinic.
I got a massage on my lower back and it made me have to pee again, this time, it hurt a lot more.
There was a lot more blood and I started screaming and crying in pain and from being scared.
I have never had anything like this happen before. I have an IUD and I sometimes worry about that,
so I decided that since the clinics around me were closed and I live a block away from the hospital,
that I'd just pop in there. They made me do a urine sample, finding that I have a very bad blood infection.
Not only that, my kidneys and bladder are also infected. I cannot cam for a little bit and I cannot afford
to go and buy the anti-biotics that I need. I could actually end up in the hospital if I don't figure it out.
Don't worry, I will! I have no choice!
So I'm stuck in this position, which could really mess up your life like its now about to do to mine.