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Gaming for Achievements/Trophies

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Mar 31, 2010
Iowa, United States
So I guess I'm curious...

How many of you would consider yourselves achievement/trophy whores?

To me, the addition of "rewards" for gaming was a genius move when Microsoft introduced it to the console world with the 360. Until then, on the PS2, I would play the game until I beat the game. Now that games have come out with specific tasks that are laid out, you can find yourself playing around with the game long after the end credits roll. Now I have a reason to get 100% completion or blow up 10 cars in 5 seconds.

I'm just over 10000 for my gamerscore, and always on the hunt for more achievements...

BTW...CardHawk77 if you want to add me on XBL...
I seriously don't like achievements/trophies that much! I just play games just for the sake of beating the game and not for the sake of getting all of the achievements/trophies for the games that do have them.

I don't mind getting trophies for games on my PS3, but I'm not one of those people that plays games to get all 100% of those achievements or trophies because it just ruins the experience for me in all honesty!
I like achievements/trophies and I'll try to get them, but I don't go out of my way to get the really difficult or time consuming ones.

The only one like that that I was going to try to get was Seriously 2.0 from Gears 2, but I doubt that'll ever happen, especially considering that at one point I was up to around 10,000 and it just randomly reset the counter to 0. I also doubt that I'll get 99% of the online specific ones since I rarely play online.
I think achievements are pretty stupid honestly. Basically some marketing genius said "how can we get people to make these shitty games popular?" And the answer was easy achievements. Hell, even in Assassins Creed 2 you get a start up achievement. Turn on the game? You're not a fucking veggie! You get an achievement, thanks for the $50! Then you get games like Barbie that are made for 8 year old girls and sell it to 24 year old men by having six 100 pt achievements that you can get in an hour.
okay i'll admit it i'm an achievement whore

to me achievement has added a replay value to video games before once you beat the game there was nothing else to do, achievements when done right can add hours and hours of game play to a game.

I dont understand people that say they dont like achievement, they are just an extension of the game. why wouldnt you want to get the most out of the games you bought and play? i mean for $60 plus bucks I want a game that will give me at least 40 plus hours

and yes my gamerscore is over 60k
Before achivements we played games over and over because they were good.
Before achievements we had 40+ hours of game play BECAUSE THEY MADE THEM THAT LONG. I've beaten Chrono Trigger, Contra, and many other games dozens of times without achievements telling me what to do. Some modern games do this too. I have 44 hours in Terraria THIS WEEK and there are 0 achievements. They aren't needed for extra gameplay. Steam at least doesn't assign some stupid point score to help you fap. That's the worst part on the 360.
I don't mind achievements if they prompt me to experiment with different ways to play a game. If a FPS can be played stealthily or run-and-gun or as an engineer, etc., achievements can help to direct me to the "right" way to try those roles (that is, how the designers intend them to be used).

Achievements that are just a grind, tho? :angry4: No. Thank. You.
Keithy said:
Before achivements we played games over and over because they were good.
Before achievements we had 40+ hours of game play BECAUSE THEY MADE THEM THAT LONG. I've beaten Chrono Trigger, Contra, and many other games dozens of times without achievements telling me what to do. Some modern games do this too. I have 44 hours in Terraria THIS WEEK and there are 0 achievements. They aren't needed for extra gameplay. Steam at least doesn't assign some stupid point score to help you fap. That's the worst part on the 360.
Games like Chrono Trigger, Contra, all of the Final Fantasy games, Gradius, the classic Mega Man series as well as many others were purposely made that long because we also had all of that time on our hands back when we were kids so the companies could make those games that long!

And back then, it was mostly all about trial and error which added more to the challenge of the games, not these absolutely dumb, pointless, and absolutely worthless achievements and trophies that we have nowadays!

And get this, we also had this thing called dying and getting a "Game Over" back then as well which made it even more of a challenge and actually had us practicing certain areas or levels over and over again repeatedly so we could master them, especially the absolutely asinine, crazy hard bosses that we had in games back then as well!

We didn't even have checkpoints except for a few games here and there, and we didn't have memory cards or game saves either! But we did have passwords that would let us continue from where we left off when we got so frustrated with whatever game that we were playing and decided to come back to it later.

And saying something like "Achievements"/trophies are an extension of the game!" varies depending on which game that your playing and whatever achievements/trophies are included with it!

If it's something like "Kill this many enemies, or run over this many enemies to unlock this achievement or trophy" or anything similar, then it's just pointless and was just added for nothing but shits and giggles because the game company knows that you aren't going to ever get that achievement or trophy!

If it's something like getting an achievement or trophy while your playing through the game and earning achievements or trophies for beating those portions of the game, then I have no problem with that.
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