My Christmas sucked. My Aunt is sick ( as always) and was unable to be with me or get me any presents.
This is the second time in a row where i have been all alone on Christmas with zero presents.
This also happend to me with my birthday this year. No party, no cake, no presents. Has this ever happend to you?
Holy shit Guy, you're way beyond the age of complaining about birthday and Christmas presents. Hell yes, they are nice to get, but if you don't get any, it's not a reason to pout and cry. Like Tesla said, Christmas is about giving. If you focused on giving, you might even find you get more out of the holiday. You might even find some reciprocity
And like Bob said, you can find some kind of positive in your life. If you have a roof over your head and enough to eat, you're better off than probably 90% of the world, maybe more. Everybody has had tough times, try to focus on what you have, rather than what you don't. Just imagine those poor folks in Aleppo. Are they crying because their Aunt didn't get them gifts? Hell man, they're probably grateful to be alive.
What do you do? You seriously need to get out more. IRL more. Put the fucking phone down, turn off the fucking computer and go outside. Try to meet someone new once a day, once a week, once a month, whatever. That should be your 2017 resolution. You're tired of being alone? Your Christmas sucked? The power is in you to change this. Like Bob said (sorry Bob for tailgating), Put in a few hours at a shelter, help serve/cook/wash dishes, etc. and then sit down with those folks. I guarantee that hearing their gratefulness will cheer you. It did for me. Try going to a senior home, have a cup of punch and a cookie with some of the residents. Talk to them, or more importantly, LISTEN to them. Let them tell you their old stories. Look at the joy on their faces that they have, after having some companionship, if only for a few moments. You never know, you might even find a new friend.
I could go on, but you get the message. Parting shot: Live your life, man. Live your fucking life. Don't re-live your life.
Sincere wishes for a Happy 2017 for you.