You wanna be a star member; tip and be a cool, funny, balanced, patient and empathetic human. So pretty similar to above. I notice the guys that kind of appear to have it all. And that can either come across, or completely fail to come across (even via the internet) real fast!
Some people are great people, but they need more practice at communicating that effectively, especially in written contexts. People who tip, and have those (communication) skills honed as well, tend to make the best impression on me (doesn't mean they are the best people, just means they're good at appearing to be so). I know the stereotype in our society is that men are not great at that stuff, but I've actually found there are quite a lot of men who really excel in that area. Those are the types I tend to notice the most in my room. All that stuff is just learned skills though, anyone can practice and pick it up.