AmberCutie's Forum
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Banned for crying

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May 1, 2024
Hi @punker barbie , I hope you are well, can you help me with a question please,

I have a friend who was banned two years ago from chaturbate apparently for crying on camera which in some cases is something that goes against the rules of the page, the question is that the crying was not the product of a physical maltreatment, the crying was the product of an unfortunate news that the girl received during the transmission on the health of her grandmother.

Would it be possible to review the case and look into the possibilities of unbanning the documents so that she can create a new account?

Her previous user was: 1oriana_

Thank you very much for your help, best regards ❤️
More likely that he also raised a ticket there himself and they replied to him telling him they couldn't discuss it with anyone other than the account holder. At least, that's how I read it as happening.
And that’s what Punker Barbie should have just said here (“Support can not discuss the details of the account with anyone other than the account holder”)…instead of the same old “I have confirmed that the support team has responded to your inquiry” message. Because Punker Barbie’s response may give the impression that CB is discussing a model’s personal business with a member…..
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@yummybrownfox @misterial @SCRIPTA

In fact the ticket was created from the email of the owner of the account, I'm just asking to receive a more accurate answer on the case and the specific issue of crying in transmission, is it necessary for her to create a member account on the forum to ask?

Because then we go to the case of the studios where we manage several models, is it necessary that we create a member account in the forum for each model we have? as far as I understand it is recommended to have only one account and from there handle all issues or questions.
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Wait ure not allowed to cry on cb?!
Wtf! I've seen girls cry from abusive comment in chat that got under skin/fear of the covid lockdowns/panic attack/their country invaded and yeah just breaking down after having a shitty day in the real world.
Now none of them were banned but I'm angry and horrified that they could have been!
It's fucked up!
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@yummybrownfox @misterial @SCRIPTA

In fact the ticket was created from the email of the owner of the account, I'm just asking to receive a more accurate answer on the case and the specific issue of crying in transmission, is it necessary for her to create a member account on the forum to ask?

Because then we go to the case of the studios where we manage several models, is it necessary that we create a member account in the forum for each model we have? as far as I understand it is recommended to have only one account and from there handle all issues or questions.

I’m confused. You said “The case of the studio where we manage several models.” Your first post didn’t mention anything about you being a studio owner. You just said the model was your friend. Now you’re wording your post as if you’re the studio owner. Exactly who/what are you? Because if you’re just her friend/a member who is a fan, you absolutely should not be communicating with support about the model’s account…and they shouldn’t be telling you her personal business.

Yeah, banning a model for crying on cam is absolutely fucking ridiculous. Good grief.
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Wait ure not allowed to cry on cb?!
Wtf! I've seen girls cry from abusive comment in chat that got under skin/fear of the covid lockdowns/panic attack/their country invaded and yeah just breaking down after having a shitty day in the real world.
Now none of them were banned but I'm angry and horrified that they could have been!
It's fucked up!
It's not fucked up. If you're having such a bad time in life that you need to cry on cam to total strangers, that's a sign you need to log off and decompress.

My sister-in-law died three days before my birthday this year (which was in the middle of August). I spent my birthday alone for the first time in 23 years because my husband had to fly home to go to the funeral. When he got back he had Covid, which he gave to me. Just as we were getting over it, nine days later, his brother died last night. At least this one is local. Not one time have I cried on cam, yes it is very sad but I have money to make. Crying doesn't make a good impression on anyone. It's not healthy for the industry itself. "Why is she so upset?" The first reaction is usually that she's being abused or doesn't want to work or has somehow found herself in another abusive situation offline. I've had guys ask me if I'm being pimped out because sometimes I can't have sound.

If you can't control your emotions, you don't need to be on cam. Period.
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Yeah, banning a model for crying on cam is absolutely fucking ridiculous. Good grief.
I'm gonna say it has to be a case by case thing.

I've cried on cam numerous times in my 15 years. Sometimes out of frustration, others from overwhelming joy and support from my members, and a few times just being hormonal lol.

None of those times was my crying in combination with self-harm discussion, or suicidal ideation chat, or extreme "woe is me" talk. In those cases, I can see a cam site wanting to nip that in the bud.
But just crying in general needs context to be banworthy, I think.
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As a member it seems somewhat harsh to ban someone for crying. For me, if someone is crying while broadcasting then that is an indicator that they need support, not to be punished. Ultimately I know that models are essentially self employed and not employees of the site but regardless of that, there is a duty of care in my opinion. Besides, it's a blurry line. People could have medical or allergy conditions that result in it looking like they are crying.

With this case though, it's hard to tell what happened. Presumably the OP only has this information second hand so it's not possible to fully verify what actually occurred.
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I understand some of the context around why CB started banning crying. At some point there were a couple of models that really played up "under duress" to gain attention and receive support and some unfortunate mental situations as well. There's also the side of payment processors and general optics about the industry since there's so much traffic/eyes on CB.

For the past couple of years it's been kind of a running joke in my room that you can't really be "human" on CB and show certain emotions. I used to go off screen with my face when certain situations occured just to avoid the chance of accidental tears. And I always hated that. I'm a very emotional person, and I cry when I'm overwhelmed, or extremely happy, or touched, or angry, or yeah.. sad. It's not abnormal, nor is it bad per se. I sometimes even cry from orgasms...

I'd agree to a certain extent it's not always "professional", yet at the same time I'm a model that tries to forge genuine connections and in many ways showing my viewers that I am more than my body and they need to take that into account when they approach me (and anyone else IMO), is something that I personally find extremely valuable and important. So I have become more open about showing my genuine emotions online.

As a counter point to this, it is obviously valuable to be able to regulate yourself in certain situations, and also advisable in some. I'm not always happy with my responses, especially when they hinder things like success etc. But for me personally there definitely should be space for genuine expression. If someone tips me a huge amount of tokens and I tear up from gratitude, then why should I hide that?

I've never in my career have had anyone ask me if I'm under duress or being pimped out or suicidal or whatever though.. I think that shows that viewers are able to understand context and vibes pretty easily, even when just passing through.
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