AmberCutie's Forum
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All Points Bulletin.

    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
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I haven't posted recently, hopefully will be back soon!
Inactive Cam Model
May 16, 2010
PC gamers (if any), anyone doing the beta testing?
All Points Bulletin, sorry.
I put it as the thread topic lol.
I am anti beta testing computer games in general. My brother and cousin have been playing the Starcraft 2 beta for months now. these are the same people that'll be complaining that the game is stale 1 month after its actual release date, and complaining how much better certain things were in beta. My life does't revolve around video games so I can wait til or even months after a game is released before I play it IF I ever get around to playing it at all!
I *LOVE* beta testing games!
Note I said testing.

I like finding bugs, giving feedback, and generally trying to break the game.

I've tested more games than I've played, even HKO!
I just found out about this game (APB) from a friend. YouTubed some of the character creation and from that & reading up on the game I'm fucking sold. Looks fun as all hell and since it's coming out this month I think, I'm even more excited.:D
I was in the beta, but because of them having the beta play time on Sundays, I only played in the actual beta once. It was a fun game, and liked the character customization, and the payment is definitely something new, I wonder how easy it is to earn the virtual currency.

Fifty hours of playtime is included with the $50 full game, which will run down as players engage in Grand Theft Auto-style shenanigans in APB's 'Action' districts. Once their time has run out, players can pony up $6.99 for an extra twenty hours' playtime. The game's combat-free 'Social' districts will not drain players' time at all.

Alternatively, players can simply pay $9.99 for thirty days of unlimited play--with discounted ninety- and 180-day packages on offer--similar to a regular MMO subscription or apparently even pay for their game time with earned virtual currency.
Yeah, the buying of hours is definitely interesting to me. I can play 50 hours over like 10 weeks. Hell of a lot cheaper than paying for 2.5 months.
Just wanted to let people know a.) this game is a little wonky interface wise, but the game play makes up for it IMO & b.) the open beta is now active and you can check it out/download it on the APB main page. :D
A friend of mine played his free hours from the Open Beta and reported his opinion. What he basically said was the same as Frankie but he also said that being able to run the game on high graphics settings helps a LOT in the overall immersiveness of the game so I'm a little worried about my slightly dated graphics card.
I'm downloading it, even though I'm not sure if my computer can handle it.

ok, just downloaded it and my processor doesn't fit the minimum requirements, so no APB for me.
i BETA tested the game, got sick with the grievers, pre-ordered the game played it for 5 days and kinda stopped, people take the game WAY too serious, if they win they go nuts and spam n00b in ur face, if they lose they start grieving you.....
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