AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

Account disabled during stream

    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
Apr 20, 2024
The most bizarre thing just happened. (I am a user.). I was watching a stream from a model, there were over 100 users on line, I was an active tipper and having a private chat with her (nothing at all improper), I made a 400+ tip to reach her goal (I had already tipped over 300) and then - immediately thereafter - the screen said the account was disabled! What on earth? (I have reported this to SC, but just curious if anyone has any idea what might have happened.)
Follow up: SC has refunded my tips (which I greatly appreciate) but I am still puzzled as to what could have happened. (The account in question had been around for a while.)
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Most likely she was doing something that violated the SC terms of service in another private chat, or at least something SC perceived as violating the TOS. The ban was likely done by a bot that scans the logs for keywords and phrases, so even mentioning that she went to her twelve year old cousin's birthday party could be flagged for discussing minors. I think there was a model that was banned because she mention that she went to summer camp when she was 14...
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Most likely she was doing something that violated the SC terms of service in another private chat, or at least something SC perceived as violating the TOS. The ban was likely done by a bot that scans the logs for keywords and phrases, so even mentioning that she went to her twelve year old cousin's birthday party could be flagged for discussing minors. I think there was a model that was banned because she mention that she went to summer camp when she was 14...
Interestingly, my chat with her disappeared from my history - this has not been the case for other models whose accounts have been disabled. So maybe they wiped all of her chats.
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I am still puzzled as to what could have happened.
then - immediately thereafter - the screen said the account was disabled!

There's no way for you to know if Stripchat suspended the account for a duration of time, or if this model is now permanently banned.

Most likely she was doing something that violated the SC terms

Most likely.
As the model was streaming at the time, it's not likely that the model deactivated her own account.
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There's no way for you to know if Stripchat suspended the account for a duration of time, or if this model is now permanently banned.

Most likely.
As the model was streaming at the time, it's not likely that the model deactivated her own account.
As I've thought about this further, I wonder if it could have been a translation issue. Some of her messages to me were a little hard to parse - perhaps due to whatever translation software she was using.
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It's most likely that you will never know the reason, unless the model tells you themselves.
If it's a perma-ban and you don't have another way of communicating such as twitter, you'll never know.
If it's a suspension, they may tell you after it's lifted or they may not. From the models and stripchats point of view, it's not really any of your business
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It's most likely that you will never know the reason, unless the model tells you themselves.
If it's a perma-ban and you don't have another way of communicating such as twitter, you'll never know.
If it's a suspension, they may tell you after it's lifted or they may not. From the models and stripchats point of view, it's not really any of your business
The account is back; it is shared between a couple performers and the other ones are on now.
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Interestingly, my chat with her disappeared from my history - this has not been the case for other models whose accounts have been disabled. So maybe they wiped all of her chats.

I have always had my chat history "removed" (not deleted) if that model's account is suspended or they have deactivated it herself.
I have noticed ti a lot. I guess there could be times it wasn't, but I am positive it usually does happen, unless it is only under specific circumstances.

But glad the account is back and well now.
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I have always had my chat history "removed" (not deleted) if that model's account is suspended or they have deactivated it herself.
I have noticed ti a lot. I guess there could be times it wasn't, but I am positive it usually does happen, unless it is only under specific circumstances.

But glad the account is back and well now.
I think you are right, and I misremembered. I have some very old chats from inactive models, but when I went back, it seems the accounts have not been disabled even though there has been no activity for a long time.
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