AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

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    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
  1. Roughrider420

    Beginner's questions- please help a girl out!

    Hi guys, im seeking some to make custom gif banners for CB. Can someone please point me in the right direction of someone you may know that makes these sort of things. Just looking for the typical ones you see in alot of the models rooms. Seems a little complicated and would love to have someone...
  2. Roughrider420

    New To Chaturbate - Help!

    Its good promotion for the model, I lot of the content online is stolen unfortunately (not what we want) so in this case its making a positive out of a negative by watermarking your name there. Also some site like DCMA (*maybe) able take down some of your stolen material if you use there watermark
  3. Roughrider420

    Do Canadian camgirls need a GST/HST number? help ;__;

    Thank you for bringing this to my attention. Def something to look into, I am a Canadian resident as well. Go Canada! :clap:
  4. Roughrider420

    1st photo shoot

    It looks awesome, thx so much for the info
  5. Roughrider420

    1st photo shoot

    Thank you
  6. Roughrider420

    1st photo shoot

    Thank you very much, it definitely will be
  7. Roughrider420

    1st photo shoot

    Hey ACF members, im a bit new to the industry and going to be partaking in my 1st photo shoot next week. Just some semi professional pics of me naked and hard for my social media and followers. My question is what type of "set up" or backdrop should I be using and what are some of the things I...
  8. Roughrider420

    Who the F*$%# are you?! Introduce yourself here.

    Thank you very much! Just re-read my post and realized I typed "who" instead of how.....*embarrassed haha but yes thank you for your reply
  9. Roughrider420

    Who the F*$%# are you?! Introduce yourself here.

    Who does one go about getting certified as cam model on ACF? I notice on some profile pics it says cam model.
  10. Roughrider420

    Canadian Girls, I have questions!

    Call your local branch and set up a US account with them, take down all the info (SWIFT, IBAN etc.) and transfer it to cb. It took a while for me to get everything sorted out but it works great now. Very convenient for me
  11. Roughrider420

    Respect goes out to you all!

    I second that! It is definitely harder than it looks...all the props to you ladies, the work really is never ending. Im learning from other broadcasters & this to the industry.
  12. Roughrider420

    Who the F*$%# are you?! Introduce yourself here.

    Roughrider420, reporting for duty! Nice to meet you all. I find this site so helpful & just want to thank each and everyone of you for my amazing 1st year on CB. Its been so much fun and looking forward to big things in 2018