AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

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    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
  1. M

    MFC Agent ??banned?

    I think that it and outrage that they have not even acknowledged any of your concerns. I know some of you ladies have been here multiple years making money and keeping this place going. It totally blows my mind that one crazy lady that has been here for such a short period of time is more...
  2. M

    "Fog" Growing on MFC?

    Totally agree...My favorite thing is when you ask someone a direct question and they don't answer but still stay there not doing anything.
  3. M

    MFC Agent ??banned?

    I think I have solved the mystery, Agent99 is one of the admins. I can't think of any other logical explanation. Please share your thoughts with me.
  4. M

    MFC Agent ??banned?

    I wish I would have saw this EB is the train wreck I can't help but watch...I had not even been in to watch her for months and then a couple of weeks ago I started visiting here again. A99 has been a hot topic in EB's room now since this night she showed up to where ever A99 was. I also would...
  5. M

    MFC Agent ??banned?

    She sounds more like a Tom Green lol
  6. M

    MFC Agent ??banned?

    There are some really outraged people over this whole A99 thing I didn't know anything about her tell this morning but all I know is EB's whole room was in a hissy about it all night from the time EB got online tell like 630 7 am EB's time. No one has to worry about reporting A99 cause there...
  7. M

    MFC Agent ??banned?

    The jealous models on this sight are extremely mean and vindictive. There was a time when MFC was my only income and I endured some extreme abuse from the models and there Troll groupies.