AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

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    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
  1. D

    Things Members Say That Make You Go "WTF?"

    0.o TAKE HIM FOR ALL HE'S WORTH! Oh...sorry. :evil: <-- that side of me spoke first. For seriously though? That's an...interesting fetish. A odd side to the exhibitionist mentality. ... -troll.jpg <-- that's about how I feel about it.
  2. D

    What is your list of top 5...

    Hm. 1: Author (am actually working on this one right now) 2: Member of a well known band, guitarist/vocalist (working on getting a gig right now, not sure if will ever be famous for it though) 3: Video game developer 4: Movie producer/actor/voice actor 5: Own my own bar on a beach in the...
  3. D

    If people are going to act like this...

    Someone needs to shit in his shoes. Maybe pee in his kool-aid. What a fuckbag. Least he tipped along with it.
  4. D

    Your "pro tips" to other MFC members.

    Spamming is impolite. Don't do it. Not only is it rude, it's an easy way to overload the poor MFC servers and cause the ever-present MFCFAIL that drives so many of us completely batshit. Or get your name locked out and that's no fun.
  5. D

    Your "pro tips" to other MFC members.

    Attempting to have overly personal conversations in PM during camtime is not only rude, you're also interrupting the model's job. If you're -really- that close a friend, chances are you have other means of communicating. Do it there. Might save you looking like a tard by saying "PM BB" 65 times...