AmberCutie's Forum
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    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
  1. Angela Sommers

    Game On...You Laugh, You Lose

    just found funny i cried, am I a little late ?? ... r_embedded
  2. Angela Sommers

    AVN - Who went

    it was so much fun! i missed Candice ,Violet and Tattgodess though. got there on friday.didnt see any other lovelies.
  3. Angela Sommers

    Camscore ???

    i agree! my cam score is now 12,000.And when i worries about it i wouldn't budge from 6000. A watched pot never boils.
  4. Angela Sommers

    Things Members Say That Make You Go "WTF?"

    oh god, this is like tourettes syndrome on the internet.i would lay the ban hammer quick before i would want to murder them for saying such horrid things and get frustrated cause i can't. :evil:
  5. Angela Sommers

    Things Members Say That Make You Go "WTF?"

    LOL love that one! I usually think this comes from a foreigner, and they mean to say "take off your panties and let me see your pussy"....which results in a ban either way. lol
  6. Angela Sommers

    Reality check

    Easy and simple for someone to understand, unless they are new to the business! it is crucial for girls to see the above post about the consequences ! wish i could tell the world of new cam girls,,would save them tons of grief.
  7. Angela Sommers

    Game On...You Laugh, You Lose I scrolled down i thought this was two hairy mens legs and a huge penis ....lololol
  8. Angela Sommers

    Game On...You Laugh, You Lose

    LMAO!!!!were do you finds this stuff? lolol:-)
  9. Angela Sommers

    Made me lol

    Perfect!! perfect perfect! LMAO posting this on my facebook!
  10. Angela Sommers

    How do you handle the celebrity...

    Ive noticed that guys can do that, block you from being able to click on there name. So i just log out and enter them manually.
  11. Angela Sommers

    Cam Girl Beta Testers Wanted

    No not paranoid, I agree with you. But maybe I am paranoid too hahah.:-)
  12. Angela Sommers

    You *awwww* you lose.

    oh that was super cute...Why should we care about civilians??there not Americans! that made me think that boy needs a little help with sorting out his thoughts lolol
  13. Angela Sommers

    You *awwww* you lose.

    to cute for words!
  14. Angela Sommers

    You *awwww* you lose.

    Oh my Lord that is beyond CUTE Amber! of course your a sucker for cute stuff, your name is AMBERCUTIE :-) hehe
  15. Angela Sommers

    Regarding members who can't currently tip...

    I agree! Even 5 dollars,I mean come on?? if you are broke why are you coming on a porn/nudity website to bother the models who are giving up so much of themselves? if you can buy a pack of cigarettes, or a pack of chewing gum, you can throw 5 bucks at a model who is showing her world to you.
  16. Angela Sommers

    Regarding members who can't currently tip...

    You go girlfriend! Love your signature quote also:-)
  17. Angela Sommers

    Regarding members who can't currently tip...

    Like I said in my earlier post(if you read up a few posts) ,if its a previous customer of yours that spends money on you pretty regularly,they would deserve a free show from time time!! of course you wouldn't be upset about that, why would you? you know they take care of you, weather it is that...
  18. Angela Sommers

    Regarding members who can't currently tip...

    And that is appreciated! No girl expects everyone to tip that high! But as long as you tip something, it shows you are not freeloading, and that you enjoy and respect that the girl is working!!! The worst feeling, is to know that there are a bunch of people who wont even take 5 dollars out...
  19. Angela Sommers

    Regarding members who can't currently tip...

    If you really think about it, unless its a previous customer of yours that spends money on you pretty regularly(they would deserve a free show), then you don't really want them in the room, but you might not MIND it. They are a freeloader. Why would they come on the site every time you are on...