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  1. N

    Why I no longer tip - one member's experience

    Again, great post and I appreciate your taking the time to write it up. I would've happily debated it with you a few hours ago but it's time for me to get ready for bed.
  2. N

    Why I no longer tip - one member's experience

    I know that wasn't directed at me but that was actually the exact type of discussion I was hoping to have. I think it's interesting to view the free loader issue in the context of hypotheticals like that, hence why I proposed them. I'm admittedly exhausted by this thread though so I'll let you...
  3. N

    Why I no longer tip - one member's experience

    That's not true. It is simply a device, it doesn't need to be fictional. Most are but a true story can serve as an allegory for something else. I can appropriate a true story as part of a greater work where it's inclusion has a greater purpose.
  4. N

    Why I no longer tip - one member's experience

    A story being used to illustrate a larger point where the story is true. Was that a joke or do you not understand the concept?
  5. N

    Why I no longer tip - one member's experience

    Allison, I actually owe you an apology because that was a snide remark. I made an effort to be respectful of and diplomatic towards everyone but I was getting a little frustrated with everyone calling me a douche for trying to have an intellectual conversation and took that out on you. I was...
  6. N

    Why I no longer tip - one member's experience

    Well Admittedly I had hoped to have a much more in depth discussion building off that as the backbone but after a couple hours of 'you're a douche', I took the small victory when it appeared. :lol:
  7. N

    Why I no longer tip - one member's experience

    Thank you. OMG I cannot thank you enough, the whole point of my post was to stimulate that realization.
  8. N

    Why I no longer tip - one member's experience

    Show where I said anything even remotely resembling any of that Again, where did I boast? The whole point of my post was to try and illustrate how free shows are responsible for creating a 'race to the bottom' where members are being disincentivized form tipping for services. It wasn't...
  9. N

    Why I no longer tip - one member's experience

    An outfit doesn't have volition either, you failed to make your point. What you accused me of is exactly what you tried to say the slut example wasn't
  10. N

    Why I no longer tip - one member's experience

    Yes, I'm a douche and a goober for trying to stimulate a discussion about economics in terms of camming. :roll: How do you think I came upon this forum? Perhaps because a model, to whom I've given a substantial amount of money, directed me to it? No, that couldn't be, way to miss the point...
  11. N

    Why I no longer tip - one member's experience

    Again, did I brag about being a freeloader or attempt to use my experience as a catalyst to discuss the nature of an economic system in which goods are given away for free? I reiterate, I've probably spent more on MFC than the majority of members on this site and 99% of the MFC population...
  12. N

    Why I no longer tip - one member's experience

    This is an entirely different discussion and not something that I think we need to get into, but you're implying that there's no difference between acting and being? So in your mind any woman who is dressed provocatively is a slut and someone who, if raped, deserved it?
  13. N

    Why I no longer tip - one member's experience

    That's actually a great example that gets right to the heart of what I'm arguing. Do companies still give their software away for free or did that prove to be an unsustainable business model?
  14. N

    Why I no longer tip - one member's experience

    Look again, I didn't call anyone small minded. I called her position small minded because, frankly, it was; it failed to account for the unseen victims of an act she intimated was ethically acceptable. Get mad at me all you want, I guess that's what I deserve for trying to have an intelligent...
  15. N

    Why I no longer tip - one member's experience

    Did I call you a 'small minded twat'? I merely said it is small minded to think that because you can;t see the person from whom you're taking money, that doesn't mean they don't exist. Your post implies that you would consider it improper to loot your own city but ok to loot the city of...
  16. N

    Why I no longer tip - one member's experience

    Let's keep this civil, I didn't attack anyone and don't think anything I've said warrants attacks. Additionally, I am willing to bet Ive spent more on models than the bulk of members on this site and 99% of the MFC population, so I'm hardly the enemy here. To your point, I am not actually...
  17. N

    Why I no longer tip - one member's experience

    Jicky, your view is very small minded, it's EXACTLY the same thing. While you don't see the person whose money you're taking, you are taking money from a company that has shareholders who ultimately suffer. The value of people's pensions and retirement accounts decline by the value of the car...
  18. N

    Why I no longer tip - one member's experience

    I'm pleasantly surprised that the Apple v. Samsung in the context of the government analogy I used is actually more elegant that I originally thought. MFC collects, let's call it 'sales tax' just as the government does. The government doesn't care what people buy so long as consumption...
  19. N

    Why I no longer tip - one member's experience

    JickyJuly - I appreciate both the reply and your viewpoint but I think you're missing the key issue; if Mercedes decided to park a new S Class in your driveway, give you the keys, and tell you that you were welcome to make the payments if you wanted to, but that you were under no obligation to...