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  1. squirtalot

    Slow week on CB?

    Anyone else feel like this week is hideously slow? I've barely made 2000 tokens in the whole of last week. Is it just me? I usually have some slow days during the month but this is the slowest ever
  2. squirtalot

    adaline_lm username scams people

    When a guy asks if I've a lush I say "no, but I can pretend I've got one " to which they tip and I do the ott moaning and they laugh
  3. squirtalot

    A Request to German Viewers

    Yes but for 6 months only. Beyond that I need a contract from a company in order to stay. Yes, from my research, the European nations are far easier to get into.
  4. squirtalot

    A Request to German Viewers

    Yes. I'm surprisingly highly qualified in a specialised area with three degrees. But despite this dazzling background I couldn't find a job in 2 years. Hence I found my way too camming. I don't have much faith in finding a conventional job after 2 years of endless rejections tbh
  5. squirtalot

    A Request to German Viewers

    Ha. No no no. No. This is hard enough. I know from my attorney how much harder it would be to file for something like this
  6. squirtalot

    A Request to German Viewers

    I'm also looking into relocating to France as a backup plan. They have a "liberal professional" visa for "performing artists" and its equally easy - and they don't require these letters. For germany though, besides these letters Ive made a good case for wanting to live there in my business plan...
  7. squirtalot

    A Request to German Viewers

    I think you're both right. I've just been obsessing over this these past few days. Not a good sign, I know.
  8. squirtalot

    A Request to German Viewers

    Unfortunately not. Unless Chaturbate has a German subsidiary, which I don't think it does. It has to be from German individuals/organisations. Otherwise the govt will say "you don't need to be in germany"
  9. squirtalot

    A Request to German Viewers

    I do. I’ve asked them too. I just- want this to be foolproof you know? My application (non camming one) wasn’t approved last year because they said i didn’t have relevant qualifications. so this time i want everything to be airtight. I’m also looking to relocating to France which would...
  10. squirtalot

    A Request to German Viewers

    I know! I was thinking about this while writing this post. I hope that I'll be able to suss out the genuine volunteers.
  11. squirtalot

    A Request to German Viewers

    Liebe Deutsche Menschen I'm not sure if what I'm about to ask is ok with amber but I hope she and everyone else understands. As some of you may be aware, I'm in a very delicate situation in India with my parents. My plan is to return to Germany asap and apply for a residence permit as a...
  12. squirtalot

    Feeling Shamed for being a Cam Model

    Update - I think I owe you all a little update of what's transpired. In the days (or weeks, really) after the dreadful incident I shared, I spent most of my time in my room only leaving it for meals and to use the bathroom. I kept to myself only speaking when spoken to. I did spend a few days...
  13. squirtalot

    Feeling Shamed for being a Cam Model

    🙈 I’m so touched! I think i remember you! Thank you so very much. it means more to me than i can say: that you and so many of you send me encouragement and words of s upport and fortitude- I’m very moved. Truly.
  14. squirtalot

    Feeling Shamed for being a Cam Model

    Thank you all for these words of encouragement. I wasn't able to leave. My mum started a relentless stream of dire warnings about how I would catch covid and ruin my chances of going back to Europe and how I shouldn't be "headstrong" because that's why I'm in this situation etc etc etc until I...
  15. squirtalot

    Feeling Shamed for being a Cam Model

    Thank you xx I had spoken to him about his tendency to hit people (not just my mum) and his remorseless answer was "that was the only solution" I understand my Mum's concern but she uses fear as a means to control. She doesn't want me to leave the house. Period. And she'd never ever leave my...
  16. squirtalot

    Feeling Shamed for being a Cam Model

    I'm not out of the house yet. I plan to leave in 2 days' time. I don't think a restraining order would have a positive effect.
  17. squirtalot

    Feeling Shamed for being a Cam Model

    But you see, in a way it is my fault. Yes I know that ultimately he's responsible for his actions but I feel like I'm the catalyst that sets the fire alight. I have decided to leave for a few days and I'm sure that will turn into another argument and again that's my fault. But - ufff. I just -...
  18. squirtalot

    Feeling Shamed for being a Cam Model

    I've decided to stay with a friend for a few days in another city. But now I'm being met with intense resistance from my mum. Dad doesn't know yet. "what if you catch covid?" "Who will look after you?" " Why are you putting yourself in danger?" " Why are you risking your future?" Fear is the...
  19. squirtalot

    Feeling Shamed for being a Cam Model

    Thank you all for your lovely words Do you remember a few weeks ago I wrote that he had threatened to "beat me up?" He did it to my mum last night. I was in the next room but I heard everything. The punches, the screams. I wanted to go out and stop it but I couldn't. I didn't want to see. I'm...
  20. squirtalot

    Feeling Shamed for being a Cam Model

    A few weeks ago in a different thread I wrote my story about how I was found out by my parents and the fortnight of misery that ensued. The dust had seemingly settled but today it all came up again. BTW I've been living with my parents while I wait to return to my home in another country. It is...