AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

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    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
  1. Tilly

    Private With Her Friend Angered Her

    So let me get this straight. Just to recap: A camgirl didn't want to go private with you. You didn't hang out in her chatroom for two weeks. You spent time watching another model. Where are the sparks you mentioned? I'm missing something, or you're just manifesting lovey dovey feelings out of...
  2. Tilly

    Average Camming Time?

    My avg cam session is about 4 hours. I've been on for over 10 hours at a time though, but my body didn't thank me for it. Posing and dancing and whatnot really does take a physical toll on the body.
  3. Tilly

    meow! Follow me on Twitter: @TillyKush

    meow! Follow me on Twitter: @TillyKush
  4. Tilly

    I'm in love with a cam girl :/

    You're not in love. You're in lust.
  5. Tilly

    Camming without a mic?

    I was in a similar situation to OP when I started camming but I always just typed to chat, played music, etc. I wouldn't necessarily turn off your mic or even opt for just music. The sound of you typing and just rustling around is what makes camming interactive and real.
  6. Tilly

    Can a model obtain a members address through a purchase he made from her wish list?

    I've gotten a lot of gifts over the years and I've never noticed anyone's name or info on the receipts or anything. I'm sure it could happen, but I don't think it's always included on the invoices. edit: or maybe it's because I'm not looking at the paperwork. I'm just enjoying my gift. lol
  7. Tilly

    Premium Threatening with legal action over tokens tipped?

    MFC used to not ever refund tokens back in the day. Or at least it was so rare that it was unheard of. Now they do tend to issue refunds occasionally. Not sure why things changed. But basically if someone is threatening them and bothering you, you can go ahead and attempt to resolve it yourself...
  8. Tilly

    thanks for joining me for my ACFgirls snapchat takeover today~!

    thanks for joining me for my ACFgirls snapchat takeover today~!
  9. Tilly

    Parts of videos breaking up into squares.

    I think it could also be a problem with your graphics card as well. I know that on my crummy old laptop if I'm watching a video, it will appear jumbled and chunky like you described, if my graphics card is acting up, from moving my computer around or something. Just a thought!
  10. Tilly

    Early stage access to new sex chat project.

    It's funny to me that someone could be so focused on making something aesthetically appealing but not think about usability and design. Never, EVER put WHITE text on top of a colored image as a background. That shit loads slow and I couldn't even read in the meantime. It's one of those things...
  11. Tilly

    Pursuing a claim against a former model

    Right... I'm really not sure. Like I said, it's my last resort for a payment processor for customs and whatnot.
  12. Tilly

    Pursuing a claim against a former model

    I could be wrong, but I got an email recently saying that if your account had been previously closed for adult industry related activity that your account would be restored and you'd receive some menial sum to make up for the hardship. I guess they realized it was discrimination. But again, I...
  13. Tilly

    ManyCam and Mac 2016

    what cam do you use, out of curiosity? I am using a c920 and I find that it's ALWAYS either too warm or too cool toned. I can't find a happy medium. Also, kind of on a different note, I noticed recently when using iglassed and camtwist together, it looks MUCH better than the actual output for...
  14. Tilly

    Clips4sale Top Categories

    It just made me so happy to see that I'm the top studio in the "skinny women" category! I never check so it was really astounding to me to see myself at number one. :')
  15. Tilly

    ManyCam and Mac 2016

    I use Camtwist in conjunction with iglasses on my mac. I prefer it much more than Manycam. I've also been having issues broadcasting on Chrome lately.
  16. Tilly

    How to cope with GF being a Cam Girl?

    I'm a blunt person with a dry sense of humor. My posts are misconstrued a lot of the time. I don't come onto here looking for a fight or an argument. I am only here to share my thoughts in hopes of opening the eyes of others. OP was looking for a way to "cope" with his girlfriend being a...
  17. Tilly

    How to cope with GF being a Cam Girl?

    I'm not trying to argue with anyone. Just think it's silly to get so upset over someone disagreeing with your post. Seems incredibly closed minded to write anyone off who has differing opinions than you. The whole point of being on a forum (or communicating with other humans in general) is to...
  18. Tilly

    How to cope with GF being a Cam Girl?

    Good to know that your logic is "I don't take anyone seriously if they don't agree with what I have to say!" That's the attitude of a closed minded child :)
  19. Tilly

    camgirls: what do you plan to do after your camming days are over?

    I would like to someday acquire savings and open a small business. I have a few ideas, some I've held onto since childhood. I don't really know where I'm headed for now but I suspect I'll be doing this for another few years so I have time to decide.
  20. Tilly

    How to cope with GF being a Cam Girl?

    ...So keep your dick to yourself and don't have any kids. Problem solved.