AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

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    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
  1. J

    Library camgirl busted

    I am not angry at all. I just think you are a creepy creepy who wants desperately to meet models, but has no concept of how creepy he is. As for your comment about therapy, I'm not sure how it is in the US, but my neighbor in Canada went from M to F and had to undergo a psych evaluation first...
  2. J

    Library camgirl busted

    I am a conservative. And you are a fool :dance:
  3. J

    Library camgirl busted

    We all thank you for setting us straight. You are a real-life superhero.
  4. J

    Library camgirl busted

    So where are you getting this notion that models are carrying uzis on dates and doing background checks on everyone they meet?
  5. J

    Library camgirl busted

    Camsites are work, not social activities. It can be both, but very fucking rarely does a model cam just for the hell of it, not worrying about making money. I seriously doubt any of these ladies are freaking out in their social lives.
  6. J

    Library camgirl busted

    Why are you so insistent on this? Why can you not accept the models saying they are happy with the way they are doing things?
  7. J

    Library camgirl busted

    Nope, because it is not up to you or anyone else what a model does to protect her privacy.
  8. J

    Library camgirl busted

    You have repeatedly said they are paranoid. What does that mean to you? AND FOR THE FOURTH TIME, WHY DO YOU CARE SO MUCH?
  9. J

    Library camgirl busted

    Which models here are having mental breakdowns? And why do you care so much? Edited to add: Just in case you have not figured it out yet, YOU are the reason models keep their personal info private. Anyone who INSISTS I do not need to keep something secret is the very person I keep secrets from.
  10. J

    Library camgirl busted

    Nobody said they have the most dangerous job. They said they prefer to keep their personal info personal. I agree that some models seem to be too worried. But we do not know their experiences or how they came to think the way they do. Again I ask, why do you care so much?
  11. J

    Library camgirl busted

    She didn't call other cultures or discussions weird. She called you weird. Just you. Lemme ask you something (even though we all know the answer). Why do you care about this so much?
  12. J

    What is on your mind right NOW

    Does the Terminator have nanobots for sperm? Just watched it for the first time. Terrible.
  13. J

    Working on Cam Sites without giving out SS#?

    After dozens of posts about getting real information from models and insisting models are just paranoid, and now thinking about becoming a model himself, is anyone else thinking this is his newest ploy to get in with female models? "Oh hai gurl! I is a model too! We should totally meet up! I'm...
  14. J

    How to stalk people on the internet

    Regarding stalking I cannot say, though I have heard it has happened. I do know that a former MFC model was doing a date raffle, but cancelled it after receiving rape threats from two guys who were entered. Seriously, wtf.
  15. J

    Library camgirl busted

    I imagine her mom learned how much she earned and was like "WTF? I am supporting YOU?!" :lol:
  16. J

    When do you use the THANK button?

    We all knew you are really a softie ;)
  17. J - Update! And still looking for new models!

    Re: - Update! And still looking for new models You have no idea how badly I want to see that now :lol:
  18. J

    Library camgirl busted

    I reported a model for self-harming (it was scary) and her cam was down in under 5 minutes. I find MFC support very fast at protecting their interests. I imagine it would be tougher reporting a member, but as you say, with a screenshot the evidence is there.
  19. J

    Library camgirl busted

    There is a way to report a member. Just click Contact Support and fill in the form. It's simple and MFC does look into those things very quickly.
  20. J

    The psychology behind a 500,000 token tip

    Your insistence on ways of getting a model's contact info is becoming creepy. You may not mean it that way, and I did say twice that there are ways of becoming closer to a model, but it seems as if you are going into a camsite with this goal in mind. This is both alarming and almost 100%...