AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

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    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
  1. J

    Does MFC still accept Visa and Mastercard gift cards?

    Epoch, I think. I don't remember exactly.
  2. J

    Does MFC still accept Visa and Mastercard gift cards?

    I imagine they assume that if a store sells it to you that you must be of age. Beyond that, pretty much nothing.
  3. J

    Does MFC still accept Visa and Mastercard gift cards?

    Yep, I used a Visa gift card a little while ago. Just use it like a regular credit card. It's great for not overspending on tokens.
  4. J

    Things Members Say That Make You Go "WTF?"

    I love that you simply said "neat" about his amazing accomplishment :rofl:
  5. J

    What is the most annoying thing a model can do?

    While I disagree about your assumptions regarding abuse or a model's voice (some women just talk that way normally), I do agree about acting like little girls. Nothing makes me leave a room faster than age play. It just creeps me out.
  6. J

    Things models say that make you go 'lol'

    First time I have seen this on MFC
  7. J

    Whatcha been playing?

    Been going crazy on GOG recently. Just started up The Witcher (first one) and my fuck is it ever gorgeous! I love having a PC that can actually run games I wanna play. The opening movie about made me weep with how great it looked. Now I just hope the game is good too.
  8. J

    Origin On the House

    Command and Conquer: Red Alert 2 and Yuri's Revenge are on the house right now!
  9. J

    Worst Gifts Ever

    Is it weird that I like to get the men's shaving gift sets with toiletries? And I buy as many as I can when stores discount them after the holidays? It's stuff I never remember to buy until I need it :meh:
  10. J

    Worst Gifts Ever

    So far this thread is all about receiving bad gifts, so I am gonna change it up a bit. I briefly dated an international student from Korea. I gave her this for Christmas. Well I thought it was funny and informative. She didn't like it :(
  11. J

    Worst Gifts Ever

    You win the thread. Sorry
  12. J

    who is your hollywood crush?

    That guy could almost get me to switch teams :bag: And I am gonna say Chloe Sevigny. Dunno what it is about her. So fucking sexy.
  13. J

    CAMGIRL.TV the camgirls aggregator

    They forgot to add the last sentence ... "So we can get in on the action."
  14. J

    Things Everybody (But You) Find Sexy

    And the receiver is moaning like she feels it. Very, very odd.
  15. J

    Things Everybody (But You) Find Sexy

    One mfc prem framed a few pairs and hung them on his wall. Seriously. And proudly posted the pics on his profile. Seriously.
  16. J

    Things members say that make you LOL

    Read this on a model's profile wall Yes sir, your cleaning woman unplugged mfc and now you can only see profiles.
  17. J

    Things members say that make you LOL

    Two guys competing for the attention of a model who is big into fitness. The one guy has a name referencing himself as a gamer. He is doing most of the chatting with the model. Suddenly the other guy randomly says 'I DON'T PLAY GAMES. I AM THE GAME. SKYDIVING ANYONE?" :haha:
  18. J

    What is on your mind right NOW

    Fucking Canadian dollar really affects my token buying. $125 for 900 tokens :rage: