AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

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    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
  1. SophiaSophia

    Post your daily speed sketch

    thank you- sort of returning to it after not doing much more than sketching for a few years
  2. SophiaSophia

    Miss MFC 2017

    I've definitely been caught up in the rank thing in a models room and I know better..haha
  3. SophiaSophia

    Do you think that sexual objectification is real?

    I actually enjoy Guy's posts- I wasn't aware he had aspergers - I have two family members with aspergers and adhd runs rampant in my family maybe this is why I like is non-linear take on things and relational points to others views (links/articles)
  4. SophiaSophia

    Miss MFC 2017

    I imagine so as well I think Kick kind of changed her verbiage on "retiring" from - I'm done to- I may be done- I may be back etc I doubt she will be totally done tho- unless she invested well and is done done at this point- idk
  5. SophiaSophia

    Miss MFC 2017

    no- I meant- I assumed members had seen tipping in Noir's room but perhaps Kickaz had more offline purchases made for the month, so Kickaz not being online as much might not have made as much of a difference. I genuinely don't know I know Noir had made some noise on twitter about sizable...
  6. SophiaSophia

    Miss MFC 2017

    I had assumed offline tipping and purchases for content made the difference rather than online tipping there- I could be wrong tho- I've decided the whole thing isn't that important to me. I was happy for noir to see her move up a little bit higher this month -I hadn't seen her on as much and...
  7. SophiaSophia

    Daily Thoughts

    I had a blackberry at the time and could totally relate too
  8. SophiaSophia

    Daily Thoughts

    I WILL convince myself to wax my eyebrows today because I let them turn into caterpillars so I can take some decent photos GDI
  9. SophiaSophia

    Helpful tutorial sales!

    oh I didn't even think to use my .edu email or a blackboard link- that's a great tip I wonder if there is any veterans pricing for it- I got solidworks for almost nothing with my DD214
  10. SophiaSophia

    I'm an idiot!

    I'm a goof in that I ninja tip (without a tip note) and :yay to the ninja tip on MFC I apologized for a paltry ninja tip once in a tip note because it was the last of my tokens - I'm pretty broke at the moment- and the model made a big deal about it NOT being a small tip (good tactic to promote...
  11. SophiaSophia

    Daily Thoughts

    I want to buy this sepia toned print I found of Burt Reynolds naked on a bearskin rug- but I have no idea where to hang it
  12. SophiaSophia

    Daily Thoughts

    it definitely blows my mind- I checked out of following politics for the last month or so it was stressing me out too much and while absolutely relevant to my life- not helping any immediate needs I have.
  13. SophiaSophia

    Daily Thoughts

    I thoroughly enjoyed watching twitter light up ablaze with tweets abouts last night, and covfefe this morning amused was my mood towards it all tho.
  14. SophiaSophia

    Things Members Say That Make You Go "WTF?"

    I would have sent him an ACLU link then had him killed
  15. SophiaSophia

    water based lotion/body slick stuff?

    omg yes, haha
  16. SophiaSophia

    water based lotion/body slick stuff?

    anyone have any ideas for anything water based that shows up good on cam for something like an "oil" show? so far I'm coming up with something like cerave thinned out with water and not much else
  17. SophiaSophia

    Lingerie: Yes/no/Where to buy?

    OH! -I'm posting too much- sorry but- for thicker ladies I love hips and curves for lingerie stuffs I wouldn't necessarily buy for camming- but maybe if I was making bank it isn't cheap but the stuff is soooo nice for larger sized lingerie
  18. SophiaSophia

    Lingerie: Yes/no/Where to buy?

    they have very pretty ballettes at GAP too! little pricey tho
  19. SophiaSophia

    Lingerie: Yes/no/Where to buy?

    I used to love aliexpress for hair (weaves) but since they changed their format I can't seem to figure it out as well anymore :/ I'm addicted to prime shipping. To the point where I'll pay more just to have it two days- and scream holy hell if it doesn't show up on time so I get a pantry...
  20. SophiaSophia

    Put It Up Your Butt!

    a weed eater spark plug...hmmm