AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

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    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
  1. SophiaSophia

    What is the most annoying thing a model can do?

    takes the ears out of my amazon cart....
  2. SophiaSophia

    Post your daily speed sketch

    not a sketch- but roughed out so maybe its the same thing? needs to firm up some before I can start carving it- can anyone even guess what it is? haha throw it here because it was about twenty minutes of sculpting and I have no one to show- my twenty twitter follows wont notice..haha
  3. SophiaSophia

    Are you jealous when you saw another room got a lot tipped ?

    yeah_ I think it absolutely rocks when someone scores really well and sorta simultaneously wonder what the magic sauce is- its not negative tho- like, how can I utilize this without ripping it off type thought process
  4. SophiaSophia

    Someone tipped off my mom that I'm a model, advice?

    try talking to her- but put it like this- I would like to talk to you about this and explain because I think you've made some incorrect assumptions about what I'm doing. I would like to explain how this helps me and I need you to listen and be my mom right now and I think your imagination is...
  5. SophiaSophia

    The Public Cam Guy Thread (Male model stuff!)

    I feel like I should pass out cialis to like ten people in this thread so you can manage multiple money shots a night.....
  6. SophiaSophia

    Best Day Of The Week To Be Online?

    Military pay days
  7. SophiaSophia

    Do you think that sexual objectification is real?

    i feel like applauding..I have a sudden need to have an applauding emote
  8. SophiaSophia

    Are privates a bad thing?

    our favorite couple to watch on chaturbate together is cookingbaconnaked I weirdly respect their hustle more than anything but to your original question no- going private while doing a public show would be rude
  9. SophiaSophia

    Favorite cartoon

    omg, I totally forgot about thundercats!
  10. SophiaSophia

    Favorite cartoon

    when I was a kid - justice league spiderman -loved and still love that he was a little bit saucy I watched a lot of batman and robin transformers- I had a bunch of transformers including dinobots fraggle rock, does this count because it cartoons per se'? smurfs much older/teens into my...
  11. SophiaSophia

    Dual casting Pvts

    no, I think you're within your right to be unhappy about that
  12. SophiaSophia

    Mfc connection issues

    main page loads for me- logging it it freezes my own interweb at home is taking a crap all of a sudden so I assumed it was me
  13. SophiaSophia

    Dirty talkers are impossible to find

    I'm an innuendo and near endless supply of "that's what she said" jokes...
  14. SophiaSophia

    The Most Embarassing Moment WHILE On Broadcast

    retrieving it after is definitely an acquired skill - instead cups are way smaller/thinner than mooncups they're intimidating but if you think of them like a diaphragm and just fold em they work really well- they basically suction themselves there tho, so yeah removing them can be interesting_...
  15. SophiaSophia

    Miss MFC 2017

    even if DHS doesn't necessarily care or even the NSA only barely glances on it- I would imagine such transactions do start to get into different legal territory- hence documentation. I could be way off base -the only experience I have with larger sums of money is pretty pedestrian with its own...
  16. SophiaSophia

    Miss MFC 2017

    no- its really stupid- I rotate cards a lot and this seems to be a problem for them- I've had to verify name and address multiple times-its really gotten on my nerves.who doesn't rotate cards for points or just to wiggle balances around? the last time I was trying to put in an old card number...
  17. SophiaSophia

    Miss MFC 2017

    I have no idea but they lock down my member account literally after every small transaction I make- it drives me nuts I have to email and have it unlocked each time and I'm pretty irritated with it small rant aside- I have to wonder though when you're talking wire transfers and signing of legal...
  18. SophiaSophia

    Miss MFC 2017

    I'm thinking about this and wondering if there is a potential tax repercussion or there is some monetary value/fdic type difficulty... I don't see how but this isn't an area I'm overly familiar with
  19. SophiaSophia

    Post your daily speed sketch

    sculpture I intend to do on cam soon-ly- I have a skin thing I'm waiting to clear up before hopping on lest someone thinks I have leprosy I'll take some pics of the next one I will be working on as I get going on it I have nothing worth showing at this time - I sincerely appreciate any interest...
  20. SophiaSophia

    Post your daily speed sketch

    Thank you. This is a couple minutes of sculpture idea/brain venting...its pretty terrible. I stink at drawing people unless I literally map everything out and then it ends up looking like anime rather than a So people I only sculpt