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    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
  1. SophiaSophia

    Looking at a tipper's junk on cam - thoughts?

    awesome! glad to have facilitated then
  2. SophiaSophia

    Looking at a tipper's junk on cam - thoughts?

    that was very generous of you, thank you :)
  3. SophiaSophia

    Looking at a tipper's junk on cam - thoughts?

    its almost a shame I wasn't on cam because I thought..really?! and checked and went OMG! haha
  4. SophiaSophia

    Overspending members and camgirl ethics.

    I think this does about cover it from what I know about it
  5. SophiaSophia

    Looking at a tipper's junk on cam - thoughts?

    OMG! thank you! I was joking but thank you so much!!
  6. SophiaSophia

    Looking at a tipper's junk on cam - thoughts?

    please feel free to send me a 100 tokens and not have me send a video - I mean, if it would make you feel better :angelic:
  7. SophiaSophia

    Overspending members and camgirl ethics.

    first world camgirl
  8. SophiaSophia

    Looking at a tipper's junk on cam - thoughts?

    20 is a very small sample size! but there are literally dozens (perhaps hundreds?) of other studies validating it and it goes beyond sex - but brain plasticity is a VERY excellent point! to go back- time machine speaking i think you'll find there are numerous social norms and even laws! that...
  9. SophiaSophia

    My experience of falling in love with a cam model...

    did the student become the teacher? :)
  10. SophiaSophia

    Looking at a tipper's junk on cam - thoughts?

    hormone shifts and hormone treatment man-- yes- and variances in the brain, yes but man- that thread would be exhausting..haha its easier if you take genitals out of the equation and just remember the brain is the largest sexual organ in the body- but given that most of us don't have fMRI built...
  11. SophiaSophia

    Looking at a tipper's junk on cam - thoughts?

    I need to sort of clarify something i said above without editing the shit out of it- transgender IS gender- but the brain of the person matters a lot more than their genitalia and their sexuality or sexual preferences run this show...for simplicity women use and hear more words- they tend to...
  12. SophiaSophia

    Looking at a tipper's junk on cam - thoughts?

    absolutely- and there's gradients based on personal experiences/imprinting and saffron isn't an exception to the rule- shes actually within "normative" findings because of her sexual preferences- as a woman that likes women sexually, it isn't surprising shes visually stimulated- to not pick on...
  13. SophiaSophia

    Looking at a tipper's junk on cam - thoughts?

    I'm not sure why it won't let you see it- here is a cut and paste of the study's abstract Abstract Factors related to sexual arousal are different in men and women. The conditions for women to become aroused are more complex. However, the conventional audio-visual stimulation (AVS) materials...
  14. SophiaSophia

    Looking at a tipper's junk on cam - thoughts?

    As much as I'm amused with the above response regarding mommy issues and whatnot...freud himself was so obsessed with genitals and other no no parts (anal stage anyone?) His theories make a person what sort of issues he himself had. My take on the whole thing is pretty simple and has been...
  15. SophiaSophia

    Kati3kat banned from Chaturbate

    Hehe..this happened over a year ago. I don't think Kati3 ever returned to cb :)
  16. SophiaSophia

    Naked private show

    I dont think youre being a douche unless as was mentioned- she was non nude to begin with you want your "friend" to be successful but she wont offer services she gives others- provided she does- either figure out mutual ground so your both happy (does she have content to sell you'd like? could...
  17. SophiaSophia

    The Twitter Follow-Back Thread

    <<is under my avatar and stuff but @miss_Jujubee followed whomever still had active links in here
  18. SophiaSophia

    Mid-year check-in.

    Something I try to keep in mind is-I look at women much bigger than I am..and less evenly proportioned than I am (I gain and lose everywhere at once/super evenly) and always think THEY look hot or cute AF. I look at you and think-wow..I love the shape of her hips/waist..the easy curve into it. I...
  19. SophiaSophia

    Mid-year check-in.

    I can totally relate- I was a small curvy thing until I was thirty and had my third child and as a kid I was downright scrawny- I put on 50 lbs after her- and never really lost it but I did change my body comp dramatically for a few years with weight lifting and got super crazy with it after...