AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

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    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
  1. SophiaSophia

    can you overthink all of this?

    thank you for your response :) I tend to obsess and I plan on hopping on tuesday
  2. SophiaSophia

    Please share Your favorite quotes.

    "the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing" - Edmund Burke "in three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life; It goes on" -Robert Frost "dont cry because it's over, smile because it happened" -attributed to Ted Geisel (Dr Seuss)
  3. SophiaSophia

    Daily Thoughts

    I really can't believe I ever forgot how much I like tuna fish/mayo/relish like I haven't eaten in more than a decade and on impulse bought some tuna so good
  4. SophiaSophia

    Daily Thoughts

    capstar for cats is your friend- and otc edited to add- I jumped the gun and didn't read the whole post ya- eff all of that
  5. SophiaSophia

    Lighting - tips, tricks, links, etc.

    check out vids on youtube for making youtube'll get crazy strong tutorials there
  6. SophiaSophia

    can you overthink all of this?

    I am feeling a little obsessive but when I look at brand new girls on predominately MFC I instantly notice the ones that seem utterly unprepared, bored, dark rooms, bad hair, clothes, and are either constantly on their phones while on cam or in some other way otherwise entertained I don't even...
  7. SophiaSophia

    MFC: Standing VS Sitting??

    oh ya- I hear you- I've been looking at rugs and plush things for my floor for the same reason.
  8. SophiaSophia

    Had a crisis moment

    I wouldn't stress a ton- I lived in a small town when I was a lot younger and was a full time stripper for several years I went on to later become an emt then paramedic for the town (paid not volunteer-though I volunteered a lot in that line of work too) and everyone I worked with knew I was a...
  9. SophiaSophia

    MFC: Standing VS Sitting??

    yesterday while shopping I also saw a giant champagne cork the size of a bistro table, and a wine cork as the chair... and if they're still there next week I'm totally buying them as props and funny furniture I have a wine cellar so this fits with my personality really well. solid cork too-...
  10. SophiaSophia

    MFC: Standing VS Sitting??

    one of the first models I watched for anything length of time for ideas moved from a living room- to her kitchen- to her bathroom and honestly it was kinda fun she also played giant jenga and it was perversely riveting because the tower got craaaazy tall and was perilously perched on one block...
  11. SophiaSophia

    MFC: Standing VS Sitting??

    its funny you mention the floor blanket because I was seriously looking at dog beds yesterday to have a sort of floor blanket or two.. they have them in tons of plush fabrics and girl colors- all stuff my dogs would
  12. SophiaSophia

    Lighting - tips, tricks, links, etc.

    And to add to that I already had one of the crazy multi flexi head floor lamps ..
  13. SophiaSophia

    Lighting - tips, tricks, links, etc.

    After a buttload of research on LED lights and CRI rating (I've had some really crappy colored LED) I decided to buy these and they are honestly incredible for real true color. They claim to rate around 91 on CRI but tend to test closer to 93/94..which is really incredible for a cheap end user...