AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

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    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
  1. ApolloniaXO

    AW escorts.....WTF!?!?

    SO these comments have made my eyeballs afraid to click the link... I scurrrred
  2. ApolloniaXO

    #SundayFunday Mimosa time!!!!!!!!!!!!

    #SundayFunday Mimosa time!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. ApolloniaXO

    No viewers on Chaturbate

    If this isnt the freaking truth!!! IT MAKES TOTAL SENSE! I started camming last month on MFC with absolutely no guidance or direction. I was under the impression I had to 'transform' into some alter-ego to be a profitable cam-girl. I mean, it works but I've noticed when Im just being me not only...
  4. ApolloniaXO

    Body Insecurities

    Thanks boo!!!!! :cat::kiss:
  5. ApolloniaXO

    2016 New Year Resolutions

    Meditate Daily Drink more H2O Eat less red meat (im really trying hard to phase it out of my diet completely) Travel to Romania Make more cam girl franzzzz GET A NEW CAR LAWD!!! New place, NO ROOMIES!!! (unless theyre cammers lol)
  6. ApolloniaXO

    Good Vibes Needed (*V*)

    Good Vibes Needed (*V*)
  7. ApolloniaXO

    Body Insecurities

  8. ApolloniaXO

    Body Insecurities

    To be honest, camming has liberated me and has helped me to TRULY embrace my big, curvy, chunky ass body. Ive always put on like I was confident no matter what my weight was but truth be told Ive always hated being heavy. Even when I decided to diet and exercise, I could only get down to a size...
  9. ApolloniaXO

    New Model , looking for model friends!!!

    New Model , looking for model friends!!!
  10. ApolloniaXO

    omg this new year is kick ass already! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASSSSSS

    omg this new year is kick ass already! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASSSSSS
  11. ApolloniaXO

    Who the F*$%# are you?! Introduce yourself here.

    Hi all!!! My name is Aza (ahh-zah) and I've been camming a lil under a month on MFC. Why didnt I start sooner!!?? I'm a BBW model and loving it so far, still trying to learn the ropes though. Looking for new cam friends!! And yes, my boobs are real lol. So excited this forum exists, Can't wait...