AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

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    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
  1. GemmaMarie

    I've spent way too much time doing this...

    :rofl: that's prettty freaking epic.
  2. GemmaMarie

    I've spent way too much time doing this...

    so naturally I had to share with you guys. I give youuuu... Akinatorrrrrr- ze web genuis! He asks you a series of questions about a character you're thinking of real or fake (but it only works if your honest in your answers!). He's only been wrong on me...
  3. GemmaMarie

    Shark Week!

    I freaking love shark week! It might be a bit of an unhealthy obsession.
  4. GemmaMarie

    End of pay period

    Generally I don't unless I'm feeling adventurous or am like really behind on my goals. Usually it's pretty dead for me bc I'm never competing for a spot in Miss MFC so even some of my regulars will be out visiting their other fave models who are.
  5. GemmaMarie

    Chivers and Chivettes?

    I chive. Hardcore I chive. I luvs me the chive. I havne't ever submitted anything tho. & I genuinly think I need to go work for them and create a bigger base of sexy men displayed on the site ;) LOL
  6. GemmaMarie

    Camgirl Movie

    Sound a lot like all the other movies out there involving cam girls! Minus maybe the fantasy, there's always murder- usually ours and mystery, like a game of clue. just sounds grim and sad to me!!!! Maybe thats why cam girls are not fans of all these cam girls movies!
  7. GemmaMarie

    Camgirl Movie

    Seriuosly? Is it just me or is this trend of having a "cam girl movie" spreading like a virus? I honestly don't WANT to see a cam girl movie. We're all so different with such different stories, that making a movie would just be... silly IMO. Just my two cents, but if you're honestly thinking of...
  8. GemmaMarie

    College degree - Worth it?

    Well.. that's both true and not true as far as the working for yourself part. I know quite a few people who spent the money on a business in entrepreneurship degree that it has paid off. Lots of people want to work for themselves, but few possess the skills to do so without further guidance...
  9. GemmaMarie

    College degree - Worth it?

    Yes & No. In the end-- none of this matters. The only thing that matters is "how do you plan to use the degree?". For some, even some of the more common "disregarded" degree's are definitely worth it, and for some it is not. I don't feel this is a discussion that can come down a simple yes or...
  10. GemmaMarie

    You have now entered...the Mindfuck thread.

    First- I hope no one minds me digging this up. I loved this thread and went searching for it when Youtube left me lonley this evening. :D I'd love to see if there are nay new ones. but... Ms. kate- this is what I am commenting on. I LOVED this. & in a lot of ways I can relate. I have two...
  11. GemmaMarie

    I would normally post something like this in Models Only

    Awe I'm sorry Poker Babe. :/ That's one reason I don't do skypes- along with I just plain don't like them. That's just awful he would do that, he deserves to be blacklisted.
  12. GemmaMarie

    What Kind of Merchandising Stuff Wiuld You Like to See?

    I ditto JJ your stuff is epic. While I've never received anything the comic book and things from what I've seen are extremely unique and amazing. I'm trying to offer merchandise as part of a package deal for joining a members group, but not to sell as general merch, I might throw something in...
  13. GemmaMarie

    Are you smarter than the average American about science?

    Those were generally pretty easy. I got 12/13 I only missed the one about what gas makes up the most of the atmosphere. Not going to lie I was pleasantly surprised it was Nitrogen. Eh, dunno how well it tests knowledge but at least I learned something new!
  14. GemmaMarie

    "All self-respecting women want to be thin"

    I thought the same but theres nothing of the rest of the rest of the site that would suggest satire.
  15. GemmaMarie

    'A Time To Kill'

    I've heard this story & even reading yours... I agree. I simply can't imagine it. I'm like you Lily! I get all huffy when people so much as threaten my friends. If someone hurt my young... well I was raised southern and that's how'd that go- Awwwwwwhellno. You did no just hurt my...
  16. GemmaMarie

    'A Time To Kill'

    Oh we've talked about if our child was the one doing the hurting too. Esp. recently- recently in our town some kids have gone around throwing poisoned food over gates and killing family pets (dogs,cats) & it's been a big debate for what we'd do if it were our children doing that- the hurting...
  17. GemmaMarie

    'A Time To Kill'

    Sooo. As the name implies, I'm watching the movie- 'A Time To Kill'. For those unfamiliar, it's a '96 move w/ some popular stars- Matthew McConaughey, Samuel Jackson, Sandra Bullock, Ashley Judd, etc. It's a movie set during the very beginnings of racial reform where a black man kills his...
  18. GemmaMarie

    "All self-respecting women want to be thin"

    Anorexia isn't a joke. I've had an eating disorder before, & I can promise no one I knew sad the things she did. An eating disorder classifies feeling poorly of yourself, but never holding others to the same standards. Most ED people I knew graded people on a far healthier end of the BMI...
  19. GemmaMarie

    Makeup: On/Off

    zomgggg soo pretty! both sides! I love your skin it looks so soft I just wanna touch it! lol.
  20. GemmaMarie

    Parental Alienation

    This, sadly, is happening to my cousin. He is military & his now ex-wife bombed him with the " I don't love you anymore, I don't know why, it's not you, blahblahblah" about 2/3 months after their 1st was born. She left back to their home town, & he fought as hard as he could but ya know.. she...