AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

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    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
  1. GemmaMarie

    Help me choose JerryBoBerry's avatar for the week...;)

    ANALLLL WHORE!!!! (Sorry jerry. wubbbb you)
  2. GemmaMarie

    ACF Fantasy Football League!

    Ugh! I KNOW! 89-91 loss! That's not even fair! :lol: Goooood game though.
  3. GemmaMarie

    If you were given a chance to start over....

    I also wish I'd started earlier, and if I hadn't started earlier, I wish I'd have been more methodical & consistent at the beginning & well... throughout. That's the key and I could do a lot better if I'd been more consistent at start. I'm doing it now, but still. to have done it earlier would...
  4. GemmaMarie

    Middle School Mom: Censor 'Pornographic' Anne Frank

    I read and saw the play of Anne Frank in middle school. To me it's a good age. I was in 7th grade, and maybe waiting until 8th would have been better b/c I think we all would have connected closer to her, but the point is even in the 7th grade nothing about this was wrong. Even the passage...
  5. GemmaMarie

    TW - Anti-feminist humor

    SERIOUSLY! I tried to tell some daft idiot in my room this the other day & he KEPT ARGUING Me! I do biology dude. I know my shit. Males determine sex. not women. Women... XX. Male... XY. Clearly bc women have TWO X chromosomes though, we are to blame for gayness. :P Okay bad joke. Signing...
  6. GemmaMarie

    Smell Your Fingers!

    No smell either. They smell like me I guess? Like Jerry tho, most of the shampoos/detergents/soaps in my house are handmade, so unless I've been cooking they just smell like Gemma.... or toddler I guess depending on what kinda day it is!!! (only parents will understand that I fear). I made stir...
  7. GemmaMarie

    When your regulars leave the cam site...

    I'm with most of the other girls! I get attached to members who are around regularly and I've developed a relationship with (even if it's just on cam!) & I've had a few members who've just up and left and while it's sad I'm one of those models who will wonder if the worst happened or if you just...
  8. GemmaMarie

    ACF Fantasy Football League!

    Dammit Bob! Stop beating me! :P
  9. GemmaMarie

    ACF Fantasy Football League!

    Don't get too cocky! I still haven't moved whose active and whose on the bench, I might surprise ya ;) (but probably not.)
  10. GemmaMarie

    Man Tricked Pregnant Girlfriend

    bawsky- Id' just like to point out that your last image for "women vs mens rights" while it has some points, is quite over dramatic and honestly- wrong. "invasive surgery" for a man- would refer to getting snipped right? Is a MUCh less invasive, much cheaper, and quicker surgery than the female...
  11. GemmaMarie

    What do you remember about 09/11/2001? 12 years ago.

    I was in middle school- okay now I feel both old and young at the same time that I've admitted that- I was in 8th grade. They didn't really tell us a whole lot. The first plane hit while I was in Science class & we remained blissfully unaware, it wasn't until class change that we all found out...
  12. GemmaMarie

    ACF Fantasy Football League!

    Me & Capt are tied right now! We both have a player in play but I still have 1 more to start :pray: oh please oh please oh please!
  13. GemmaMarie

    ACF Fantasy Football League!

    Ohhh man. I'm ahead by 5 points! I have 2 players tomorrow night, he only has one but one of his players is playing right now. I'm feeling a LOT nervous about this one!
  14. GemmaMarie

    The serious issue of BRF -- are YOU affected?!

    Berry, I love this explanation!
  15. GemmaMarie

    Please read this

    :/ Wow. How sad!
  16. GemmaMarie

    Its Caturday

    Damn it. I need a friend with a cat I can play with I WANTS ONE!
  17. GemmaMarie

    ACF Fantasy Football League!

    Oh lord, someone pleaseee trade me. I do not WANT the vikings. I morally can't root for them! I'd rather root for Green Bay & I'm a BEARS fan!
  18. GemmaMarie

    ACF Fantasy Football League!

    I've never done fantasy football before either, so there's a very high possibility you will beat me.
  19. GemmaMarie

    ACF Fantasy Football League!

    Yesss, signed up. Go the Might TRexasaurs! I have no clue where I come up with this crap. & b/c I am lame & have no actual artistic skills- the most boring logo everrrrrr.
  20. GemmaMarie

    Pareidolia: I has it

    I should post a pic of the wood pattern on my bedroom door. It's freaking creepy as shit, I see like a demon driving a dagger into it's skull. *gag* not exactly what you want to find in the wood pattern on your bedroom door.