AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

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    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
  1. Sereph_Doll

    My reaction when...

    Your reaction when somebody slips on ice.
  2. Sereph_Doll

    My reaction when...

    I could do Tim and Eric gifs all day! Your reaction when somebody won't stop asking you for favors but you don't want to be an ass and say no because they aren't that big of favors.
  3. Sereph_Doll

    My reaction when...

    Your reaction when the item your paying for is 20% cheaper than you thought!
  4. Sereph_Doll

    Put It Up Your Butt!

    A string of pearls.... I'm good with it
  5. Sereph_Doll

    Quick, you have 10 seconds to be as American as possible

    Can you smell the freedom?
  6. Sereph_Doll

    My reaction when...

    Your reaction when your driving behind the slowest driver of all time and your in a hurry.
  7. Sereph_Doll

    My reaction when...

    Your reaction when you see a baby animal.
  8. Sereph_Doll

    My reaction when...

    Your reaction when you think people can read your mind.
  9. Sereph_Doll

    My reaction when...

    Your reaction to stealing somebody's food. :)
  10. Sereph_Doll

    My reaction when...

    Your reaction to somebody leaving the light on....AGAIN!
  11. Sereph_Doll

    My reaction when...

    Your reaction when your best friend tells you a big exciting secret. Your reaction when you win money on a scratch off.
  12. Sereph_Doll

    My reaction when...

    Your reaction when you eat too much food.
  13. Sereph_Doll

    The silly idiots that try to bring us down...

    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  14. Sereph_Doll


    I love beer. I don't have time to read through this whole forum but here are a few of my favorites. Atwater - Vanilla Java Porter (omg get in me! so good) Great Lakes- Edmund Fitzgerald Old Speckled Hen Shorts- Soft Parade Shorts- Bellaire Brown Newcastle - my all around favorite Dragons...
  15. Sereph_Doll

    Boner/Lady Boner killers while watching porn?

    I have a couple turn offs in porn. 1- I watched a clip of Ally Sin (I think that's right) and they are doing the typical "what are you doing in LA" bit on the couch and she just bluntly goes.. "I'm here to party and have fun. I'm ready to fuck so bring on the dick" and a naked dude came out...
  16. Sereph_Doll


  17. Sereph_Doll


  18. Sereph_Doll


  19. Sereph_Doll

    Things Members Say That Make You Go "WTF?"

    Me in the middle of a cum show Sereph- "oh yah, that feels so good" Reg- "Yah sereph, you look great. Let it feel good" Sereph- "mmmmm" Random dude- "hey check my PM its really important" RD- "did you check it yet" S- "Hi Random dude, I'm in the middle of my cumshow that took about an hour to...