AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

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    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
  1. T

    Stupid Question Collection

    For those that keep getting asked for phone numbers, here's something you can do: - set up a google voice account, don't link it to any actual phone - it's free - they can text it too - record your answer message , start slow and sexy like "Hey lover..." then start raging "Do you think I'm the...
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    Stupid Question Collection

    Yeah, not lifestylers by any stretch of the imagination. Maybe they think by suggesting this kind of roleplay it will make them seem interesting ? Life's too short, just ask for what you want I say.
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    Now I remember - she kind of looks like Kelly Clarkson's thinner, younger and hotter little sister.
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    Must Read Books

    Some kinky goodness, with Kindle links: As She's Told by Anneke Jacob[url] And if you've ever considered keeping a man in a chastity device: Male Chastity : A Guide for Keyholders...
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    What is your go to porn when the mood strikes?

    This one has never failed me: I'm not really so much into the corporal, but there is something so sexy in her dress and demeanor, I like that he is naked and she has no flesh visible from her foot to her shoulders and chest. She seems...
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    log in to MFC or xhamster and fap.
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    Member IP Tracing Models To Find Location?

    So you think if a user is having a bad feed from a model they might get a better one if they log out and log back in? Or maybe use a different browser? I wonder if a shift-reload or F5 would do the trick.
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    Member Rooms

    Has someone started a room called SausageParty ? I think that it is probably a bad idea which will become apparent in ways we haven't even thought about, but now I am inclined to make a room called "BDSM Enthusiasts" or something , set it to premiums and models only. IMO, they should make it to...
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    Camming 101

    Lighting Lighting Lighting.
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    I saw her sleeping yesterday. Lots of people in her room though.
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    I am a bigger girl, and I need love too.

    I agree with Jupiter, what's wrong with whores? I do think you need to think with a clear head - is this something I can do? If you have a negative attitude towards the other models and other customers you are going to be unsuccessful. And there are quite a few tippers who have never chatted in...
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    Project Euler

    Wow, that looks cool - thanks for sharing that.
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    Music on a Profile

    1. Auto-play of music on profiles is fail. Most agree. 2. Only models should be able to put music/video on their own profiles at all. When you get a bunch of people posting numerous videos on a models page you get the "myspace effect" , so much stuff going on on your browser that it crashes. 3...
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    San Francisco Wants To Criminalize Infant Circumcision

    I think this law is less about the actual process but more about causing problems for those who circumcise for religious reasons.
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    You know what's annoying?

    If you are running a review site, and you are in any way vindictive towards people who want their stuff taken down - you run a real risk of having a much harder time getting anyone to let you post their stuff.
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    Is there someone on the forum you just can't stand?

    To paraphrase Amber's thoughts on the issue: The Rock (Amber) says, "Know your role, and shut your damn mouth."
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    Haters are gonna hate - and if you have haters, you must be doing something right.
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    Models and Schedules

    Some thoughts - not a camgirl, but a fan who has thought about the industry quite a bit: If you aren't announcing your shows on twitter , and you don't put your twitter link prominently on your profile and/or try to put it in chat from time to time you are losing money, IMO. A camgirl who...
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    MFC on PS3?

    I ran it on my rooted Nook (android 2.3, flash). The interface needs serious work in order to be optimized for mobile, and the video plays at about .1 frames per second but the audio seems to do fine. I need to do more testing.
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    Cheesiest chat-up line

    "You're pretty good looking, but you'd be better looking with my cock in your mouth." "What's for desert? Cake or cock, and we're all out of cake."