AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

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    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
  1. missmeowmixx

    What unusual "essentials" do you keep in your model toolbox?

    Re: What unusual "essentials" do you keep in your model tool LOL. a couple packages of balloons. a bunch of candles and two palettes of UV makeup.. many ears and tails.. like five or six knives. there's a bunch more lying around the house but that's whats in the 'toolkit' at present hehehe . =)
  2. missmeowmixx

    Your favorite Ambercutie forum members

    LOL i bet everyone is scrolling this going WHERE IS MY NAME?? :cat: :lol: umm but seriously, Lemon, Luna, Nordling, and Jicky... you guys are particularly grand. Really though, even as i typed that i started thinking of so many more, but i don't want to go on and on for fucking ever about it...
  3. missmeowmixx

    Full manual control for the Logitech C910 webcam on Mac OS X

    Re: Full manual control for the Logitech C910 webcam on Mac does manycam control auto focus and white balance? :o those are the only controls I don't have currently, so I might give this new one a try!
  4. missmeowmixx

    Name change input!

    I like how your sig is now "formerly OOH." you should turn yourself into a symbol like }{ or .. whatever and just be... the Lady formerly known as OOH." :cat:
  5. missmeowmixx

    Name change input!

    IMO GingerAnn sounds like PepperAnn and it puts the stupid theme song in my head. >_> ack!!
  6. missmeowmixx

    Name change input!

    GingerCloud IS cute! elly warned me that you might get ppl asking if you do "figging" if you have ginger in your name... which apparently is putting ginger up your butt. (dont ask me how he knows this stuff.) but I think it'd be worth it. so far, LadyNori, LadyCloud, NoriCloud and GingerCloud...
  7. missmeowmixx

    Bubblegum Fetish

    probably about the size of my head. I love bubbles, especially the kind you can catch and the big ones that you create with loops of string. Bubblegum on the other hand, I don't think I've chewed it for a few years, but I'm so going to pick up a few colours of it today just in case...
  8. missmeowmixx

    Question for the models

    Thank you so much for resurrecting it, I missed it the first time around and I am now very much amused. :cat:
  9. missmeowmixx

    Nevermind the Apocalypse: Earliest Mayan Calendar Found

    Thanks for the post Poker_Babe! Okay, ranty ahead about said doomsayers, and why they irk me. You've been warned. =^_^= ..... Oh my gosh! Stuff like this just makes me SMH sometimes! Nifty article and I'm really glad they've found evidence of "the calendar doesnt stop" and hopefully it will...
  10. missmeowmixx

    Skinny/average size models with large ones?

    as Lacey and Airen both mentioned I have done shows with them, and its not a huge deal in fact, I think that some contrast is a REALLY good thing! but yeah, sometimes you have to ban fuckers cause they think "the anorexic one" or "the fat one" are appropriate terms. I would work with a BBW if...
  11. missmeowmixx

    I don't care about your finances

    Dude has a point, but dude should definitely also click next model, heheh. :thumbleft: Sometimes cam girls cant help but be emotiony on cam, its part of the gig. But I agree that it's bad form to directly tell your sobstory because you should try to get your tokens in a more legit way. =) and...
  12. missmeowmixx

    Do models feel awkward knowing that some viewers are 50+?

    Re: Do models feel awkward knowing that some viewers are 50+ I collect nerds and old farts on a little shelf in my mind. I love the old dudes. they make my day. Be as old as you like!! Heheheheheh. =D
  13. missmeowmixx

    Please help me find her!

    the only model I know from Texas is ohmystarz. she's petite and tannish.. she also has a lip ring I believe... she's laid back and I think has no nudes on her profile. she's also on this forum... oh starzy pants is it you?
  14. missmeowmixx

    Was this out of line? - Question for the other side

    first of all if this girl is lame enough to whine and bitch about her bad token days in news feeds, that's her own fault for being a dumbass IMO. just unfriend her and forget it. that said maybe you're ok friends and you give a shit. so, you want to say something. now although you relate to her...
  15. missmeowmixx

    I found the most clueless man alive.

    HAHAHAHAHAHA thanks I needed that!! have you ever seen the similar story with a tattoo artist?? I believe the end result was a large, detailed pile of excrement tatted on the offenders back. hehehehehehe people are FUNNY.
  16. missmeowmixx

    A little some thing I have been working on.

    SHINEY WING-ED LADIES! i want to make that first one my desktop background for a couple days... i like wing-ed ladies a lot.. thanks for sharing your work.. :D
  17. missmeowmixx

    Masturbation ban!

    Thanks for the sum-up guys, it won't let me watch the video unless i hop on a proxy! :cussing: Even with the location block (lol,) i just gotta say, that I'm so. fucking. thankful. that i was born in canada. Like really. HOW IS IT ANY OF THEIR FUCKING BUSINESS what people do with their...
  18. missmeowmixx

    Interesting new option on MFC

    I tried it out today with a few different favs and it kept giving me all the sexy ladies from ACF !! haha, I was like "this thing is smart!!" then I did a search on myself and it gave me Kota. hehehe. gonna try it at different times and see who else I get, maybe I'll find my doppelgänger :p
  19. missmeowmixx

    Please help me.........................

    just tell her what you do, or lie. lying will probably bung up eventually if you're living with her, so I'd suggest fessing up, or moving out :p
  20. missmeowmixx

    Daily Thoughts

    I'm all for it!! seeing how you guys garden will be inspiring and will make me take pix. I'm starting fresh in a new yard. Just yoinked like six big bags of free mulch from my neighbours trash, so excited to get started. My lil crocuses and foxgloves are up but nothin' else, just buds =D but the...