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  1. cryptoassets

    So how did Bitcoin end up playing out here....

    Cute comment. How is telling someone they are scam, name calling and insuiating things disagreeing with me Jimbo. Go back to bed.
  2. cryptoassets

    So how did Bitcoin end up playing out here....

    I've been in bitcoin since 2011 you better believe I was an early adopter with many bitcoins. My previous posts have me pinned here in 2012. $5 coins were snatched up in the hundreds and I even was showing people here how to use them by giving it out free here in the forum.
  3. cryptoassets

    So how did Bitcoin end up playing out here....

    Ummm its all about Bitcoin and the fact people were wrong about it and me. There was no reason for me to get banned in the past because of it. Of course I'm going to come in here and tell people this.
  4. cryptoassets

    So how did Bitcoin end up playing out here....

    I never said anyone had to "kneel down before the alter of Bitcoin" I just wished more of you had listened to me and could enjoy the rewards of being early adopters and cash out millions....Instead , you got the pitchforks and banned me!! How is suggesting that "kneeling down before the alter...
  5. cryptoassets

    So how did Bitcoin end up playing out here....

    Calling me names ( not you personally) telling me its in poor taste? Accusing me of being a scam artist and part of ponzi scheme is telling me its very poor. I suggest you tell them a better way to approach it next time not me. I stated what I wanted to say nicely by saying instead of being...
  6. cryptoassets

    So how did Bitcoin end up playing out here....

    I would tip you in Bitcoin lol :)
  7. cryptoassets

    So how did Bitcoin end up playing out here....

    The only reason why anyone gets attitude back is because they started the conversation with attitude. You can see which replies to me started with attitude, right? Its right before our eyes here ... I already know I'm going to be banned. Keep in mind part of the reason I'm here is show again...
  8. cryptoassets

    So how did Bitcoin end up playing out here....

    How wasn't I cool headed I responded to you just fine . No, it wasn't poor. I was just pointing out something that is now obvious and was taken to task last time I was here. I was banned ( I should be unbanned asap!) because of it for no reason other then I was talking about Bitcoin. I did...
  9. cryptoassets

    So how did Bitcoin end up playing out here....

    So there was something wrong with proving you all wrong? Didn't know that was a crime!!!
  10. cryptoassets

    So how did Bitcoin end up playing out here....

    Jerry Bo Berry the irony is thick should take your own quotes more seriously...
  11. cryptoassets

    So how did Bitcoin end up playing out here....

    The only way to fight back bullying is with bullying I suppose , yes? So there is a problem with pointing out that Bitcoin works ? I didn't know I wasn't allowed to let people know how it turned out and ask why they were dicks about it. Why can't I ask that there a place I need to check...
  12. cryptoassets

    So how did Bitcoin end up playing out here....

    Strange how you didn't take the advice of MayaEden and look at two -sides of the story either ... I'm going to go out on a limb and suggest following instructions probably isn't your strong suit .
  13. cryptoassets

    So how did Bitcoin end up playing out here....

    I have no doubt you have a closet full of pitchforks you poke other peoples butts with. Maybe , the best idea is to stick a pitch fork into youself since you are waste of space and time? yes?
  14. cryptoassets

    So how did Bitcoin end up playing out here....

    Since day one thats all I've advocated. Now I'm being called Trendon Shavers and names. This bitcoin thing is something banks are TERRIFIED about. A lot of banks and governments (like a user posted above about the US gov) are speaking bad about bitcoin. If you research bitcoin, you'll...
  15. cryptoassets

    So how did Bitcoin end up playing out here....

    You are so giddy to see someone banned aren't you ? frothing at the mouth aren't you at the prospect of banning me.....
  16. cryptoassets

    So how did Bitcoin end up playing out here....

    Do you have a closet of pitchforks just ready to go ...right myameisbob84? Tell us your secret. And camgirls do have poles they dance on .... This is you getting ready....
  17. cryptoassets

    So how did Bitcoin end up playing out here....

    And you got the evidence how ? Based on others who were wrong about stuff before like sayyyyyyyy UMMM BITCOIN ...make sense. Another witch hunt developing here ....stay tuned all! Right on que .
  18. cryptoassets

    So how did Bitcoin end up playing out here....

    That was anything but POLITE! are you joking ? I was totally plesant and nice and then was told to get lost. I've already been borderline attacked here already. So suggesting something that would help better yourself is something everyone should hate. Got it makes perfect sense. The...
  19. cryptoassets

    So how did Bitcoin end up playing out here....

    I highly doubt top tier Venture capital firms would be investing millions into Bitcoin if it was an "investment risk" I suppose you think you are smarter then them? Why would they be putting millions of dollars into Bitcoins if they think its an investment scam...
  20. cryptoassets

    So how did Bitcoin end up playing out here....

    I suppose that is the beauty of Bitcoin in my opinion. I can send you 1 cent or 100 million dollars for basically no fee. In fact, a few people have sent Millions of dollars for No fee or they added a little extra fee to make the transaction go faster. Its stunning to see it. I'll find the...