AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

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    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
  1. cryptoassets

    So how did Bitcoin end up playing out here....

    I'm perfectly fine. There is no reason to start over I'll just be reamed a new one anyways. Lol, I'm a decent person, who realizes I have flaws as anyone else here , but I never sought to start a fight with anyone. I was merely stating my thoughts and asked a question as to why people treat...
  2. cryptoassets

    So how did Bitcoin end up playing out here....

    Did it take you all day to come up with that ? So AlisonWilder what about me and talking about Bitcoin is so aweful?
  3. cryptoassets

    So how did Bitcoin end up playing out here....

    Telling someone they are behaving like a 12 yr old isn't namecalling ? What planet are you from ? What even compelled you to use one tiny fraction of your brain cell to make a comment like that? does it make you feel important?
  4. cryptoassets

    So how did Bitcoin end up playing out here....

    I don't deny it. Why not? There are a lot of places where people tell them they were wrong ? That is what forums usually are about people saying you were wrong about that...then someone saying but I have a differing opinion ( in a civil debate ). I'm not ultra defensive ? I just don't like...
  5. cryptoassets

    So how did Bitcoin end up playing out here....

    Name calling is all you have left JokeBarry. Sad, just said. Sound like your local kids playground would be a better place for you then the grown up forum here.
  6. cryptoassets

    So how did Bitcoin end up playing out here....

    Your username is fitting. I'm having trouble figuring out if your a punk that is drunk or just drunk and a punk. Probably the latter . You username isn't that clever you might want to give it another go.
  7. cryptoassets

    So how did Bitcoin end up playing out here....

    Can I adjust the topic now to the Israeli vs Palestinian conflict now / with a touch of Bitcoin dispersed in the middle?
  8. cryptoassets

    So how did Bitcoin end up playing out here....

    I'm not sure I'm allowed to answer this let me PM Ambercutie first. I'm sure she has her fat fingers on the "ban hammer" just eager to give it a go. No my little ponies tonight ladies? you are slacking!
  9. cryptoassets

    So how did Bitcoin end up playing out here....

    This is the reason some big porn companies and webcam sites use Bitcoin as a form of payment . Keeping their customers privacy intact. Yes, its hard to compete with zero fees. There really isn't any business holding on to the majority of their coins upon purchase. They use Bitpay or Coinbase...
  10. cryptoassets

    So how did Bitcoin end up playing out here....

    No, all the forums I've been to let you speak your mind about any topic. But you've proven my point exactly. Clearly, there is no civil engagement here. Its treat all newcomers with 'we don't care' and ' dude , just shut up'. There should be something on the forum where all topics Ambercutie...
  11. cryptoassets

    So how did Bitcoin end up playing out here....

    If she doesn't have to have any rules then why does the forum have any rules. DOh!
  12. cryptoassets

    So how did Bitcoin end up playing out here....

    Could have fooled me. Clearly, I know who the mod is, it is you haven't been paying attention. No rules = anarchy - actually, she does have rules did you miss them when you signed up? why have them if she is just going to make up arbitrary rules? ( big word for you google is your friend )...
  13. cryptoassets

    So how did Bitcoin end up playing out here....

    It isn't getting people to see my view my view has been proven right, not sure what your going on about? I'm sure she is a good all-around person. I separate her as a person from the mod she is here in the forum , but to ban someone in the first place over a topic and then say they will ban...
  14. cryptoassets

    So how did Bitcoin end up playing out here....

    A good chance ? that is an understatement. I plan on speaking on another topic do I need to get permission from you first before I proceed? There are some who want to discuss Bitcoins merits did you not see the the last 2 long posts of people debating it ? Maybe, we should make this another my...
  15. cryptoassets

    So how did Bitcoin end up playing out here....

    Look at what the cat dragged out ... So, you decide who is annoying and who isn't and who can talk about what and when ? are there forum rules that say this? Wow.... just wow..... this forum belongs in Germanys 3rd Reich...
  16. cryptoassets

    So how did Bitcoin end up playing out here....

    So anytime , anyone tells you of another way to get paid ( Key word ANOTHER WAY) you automatically assume they are changing the way you do your job and how you get paid ? Ok, no wonder you never understood bitcoin. I'm not pushing Bitcoin , I'm pointing out that its another way to earn some...
  17. cryptoassets

    So how did Bitcoin end up playing out here....

    What can I say I love talking about Bitcoins :P There is more to this forum ? before someone takes that seriously just calm down ....:P I'll send some bitcents your way if you want....
  18. cryptoassets

    So how did Bitcoin end up playing out here....

    Lol...its not like that.... You all think I'm just bored with nothing to do because of all the bitcoins ?
  19. cryptoassets

    So how did Bitcoin end up playing out here....

    Will it was horrible how else being called a scammer and banned …what else would it be? I wasn’t telling people to hold all their coins. I’m saying some of you would have held coins and most of you would have cashed out as they came in. Of course, you wouldn’t have been exposed to that risk...
  20. cryptoassets

    So how did Bitcoin end up playing out here....

    Thanks for a civil conversation, it is a breath of fresh air. It wasn’t a scheme it was an honest attempt to do so yes, but using Bitcoin because I figured it was the easiest of system of payment and Bitcoin was growing huge at the time along with the price. I was right about this right...