AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

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    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
  1. TrustMe

    Warning to MFC premium members

    Thanks for the replies. Yes, unfortunately they were offsite scat gifs. I liked to change my member name quite often and I was using the name "TurdsOfMisery". :shame: I thought it would be funny to post some offsite emotes (gifs) of real people pooping. :vomit: I know, what an idiot. Well...
  2. TrustMe

    Warning to MFC premium members

    Don't be an idiot like me. After over 8 years on MFC, and thousands of dollars spent, I managed to get myself permanently banned from the website. I broke some zero-tolerance rules, and without warning I got a message telling me I have been banned from MyFreeCams when I try to log-in. It...
  3. TrustMe

    Egypt Beauty suspended...

    Yeah her profile is back now, they probably just gave her a warning. :dance:
  4. TrustMe

    Egypt Beauty suspended...

    Not sure what she did, but everyone in The Lounge is talking about her account being suspended for something she was doing out in public on one of her "Roadshows". What a shame, I enjoyed her antics.
  5. TrustMe

    Had to report a model...for illegal solicitation

    Nordling, I have been a member of this forum since November 2011. Same name, same avatar. I never felt the need to post anything....until now. And now I wish I hadn't.
  6. TrustMe

    Had to report a model...for illegal solicitation

    Isabella_deL, I can understand your concerns, but I assure you that this isn't a joke, troll, or a misinterpreted PM. Let me try and explain how I discovered this models TAG. As a Premium MFC member (5 years now), we get to open a window called "The Lounge" where we can...
  7. TrustMe

    Had to report a model...for illegal solicitation

    Good morning everyone. Thanks for the replies. First off, no I didn't take her Private. I only asked because of her tag that was suggestive in nature. I basically baited her into telling me what I needed to know in order to report her. And this is recorded in my PM archives. I haven't heard from...
  8. TrustMe

    Had to report a model...for illegal solicitation

    I was checking out a models profile and one of her tags said "very young ki d". Exactly like I typed it. I sent her a PM asking if she had another girl for Private she said, 12... one 18...and I play with dog. I had no choice but to report her. I have been on MFC for 5 years now...