AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

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    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
  1. AmieD.Savage

    The Hateful Eight

    My partner dislikes Quentin Tarantino films for the above stated reason. I happen to enjoy the banter, and find Mission Impossible style, straight action movies to be boring. Needless to say, I'm more excited to see Hateful Eight than he is... :P
  2. AmieD.Savage

    Scary Urban legends

    I don't know if this counts as an urban legend, but, in the house I grew up in, the lot next door had a tall privacy fence around the whole perimeter, right up to the sidewalk in the front. If you climbed up on something to look over the top, all you would see was this tiny shack that looked...
  3. AmieD.Savage

    Video advice

    I would start off by thinking about your fantasies, what you like doing with partners, and what gets you hot. Do you like spanking? Do a video where you spank yourself, or have someone do it for you. Do you give a mean blow job? Show off your skills on a dildo. Playing up your talents will make...
  4. AmieD.Savage

    Question for models who sell their snapchat

    Hm. I just tell people what my Snapchat is if I'm giving it to them, so I can't tell you personally... Are you getting that many Snapchat requests that it's hard to figure out who the model is? If someone told me they added me, and I saw a request from a name similar to theirs, I would just...
  5. AmieD.Savage

    How do models let go after a particularly physical time on?

    I usually end up calling my SO to tell him everything, and I do chores around the house before bed. I'm usually excited, and rehashing it out loud helps me process it, and then catalog it and move out of cam mode.
  6. AmieD.Savage

    Amazon Deleting Wishlists? Other alternatives?

    I'm not positive, but I think Delivery Code was made specifically for cam models/sex workers/whatever. They keep all of your info private, and it's really convenient to put stuff on there from anywhere on the internet. I've been trying it out, in addition to Cyberdust in lieu of Snapchat, which...
  7. AmieD.Savage

    Webcam/Video camera for making vidoes

    The idea of a dslr scares me, although I don't know if that's reasonable or not. I've always been under the impression that they are more "finicky," that you have to take a photography class to understand all the settings and even then, you can film a whole video and realize it was out of...
  8. AmieD.Savage

    What colour walls should I go for?

    I think the wallpaper you showed is cute! You mentioned that your only option is to pin it up... Is there anyway you can easily do that and then test how it looks, or would you have to actually glue it on? If you're only pinning it, and it looks terrible, you can take it down, and the only thing...
  9. AmieD.Savage

    Webcam/Video camera for making vidoes

    Bumping because I am currently looking as well... So far, I've read good things about the Canon Vixia g20, the Canon s120 and the RX100 M3.
  10. AmieD.Savage

    help!! showing vv down there :(

    To add my voice to the chorus above... What may be an insecurity to you is a fetish to someone else... That's the great thing about cam sites, it's kind of a "someone for everyone" type of vibe. People that don't like it will keep moving, block them if they troll. But you will have many more...
  11. AmieD.Savage

    I was just banned and deleted from Snapchat, I'm posting so you others know it IS happening.

    I don't know how true it is, but Cyberdust claims that they never see or store the content, so in theory, they wouldn't know about any violation of their TOS... Although I suppose if people went crazy reporting there too, we might be in same boat again... I don't know how they handle users...
  12. AmieD.Savage

    I was just banned and deleted from Snapchat, I'm posting so you others know it IS happening.

    Apparently a lot of people are switching to Cyberdust... It just sucks, almost everyone was using Snapchat, so it made it easy for members to purchase content for an app they already used. If the models all scatter to a variety of different apps, members may have to keep a lot of different...
  13. AmieD.Savage

    Who the F*$%# are you?! Introduce yourself here.

    Hi! I'm hoping to start camming on MFC as early as next week, after months of research (read: lurking) here on ACF and in other places. I'm really excited to start and am hoping to learn lots more as I continue on this journey!
  14. AmieD.Savage

    MFC Models with sexy dance moves.

    This is beautiful! She definitely looks like she has ballet in her background. This is always what I always like to imagine I would do if I did pole dancing, but I know I would probably end up hurting myself, lol.
  15. AmieD.Savage

    How many of you started camming as a non-professional hobby?

    I'm not actually a cam girl yet (hoping to start by the end of October) but I have gone onto the members section of MFC and turned my cam on. I am an exhibitionist, and my boyfriend loves to show me off! I am interested in turning camming into a second job, I'm really excited about the...