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Fuck MFC's Code Limitations

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Cam Model
V.I.P. AmberLander
Mar 6, 2010
The Internet
Alright, now I understand why it doesn't allow Javascript.

But there are a lot of really simple codes that they won't let models use. And now, I can't even control what color my links show up as.

<body link="#FF0000" vlink="#00ff00" alink="#9370D8"></body>

They don't like it. Somehow, I'm going to cause problems by having my links look pretty.

Fuck you. least there are always work arounds for at least the basic of what I want, such as style codes. But still...

And what happens? MFC just ignores a style for the href. Figures.

*tries more things.*

OH fuck that. I hate it. Fuck you.

I forgot the customization page (where they let us set a background,) lets us set link colors too. BUT IT'D BE SO MUCH BETTER TO CODE THEM INDIVIDUALLY. Fuckers.

I mean. It's -really- cool to use the customization page for things like links on most spots on our profile... but if the code for the link is in our "About Me" table we should be able to code it more detailedly. All well. At least the profile looks good for now.

Did you try to insert the <body> tag? You can't do it because this tag should be declared only once and it is declared when the page is rendered. Declaring body inside another body is invalid. Not for MFC, but for W3C.

But the links style, as you found out, can be edited through the customization page. You just can't choose different colors for different links. It is all the same for all links. This could be done easily if MFC had fixed the CSS tool that never worked.

I see that in your profile you used inline CSS. This is the best people can do to customize the style. However, you can't customize the hover state of each link. Using <style> is not allowed though.
We don't use css... The website uses css. If I had my preference, my entire profile would be html, edited by myself. Or at least the option to add new div classes in css.

What can we do with the css part? Specify the settings of each div class. We cannot create new div classes. So if we want to get really creative, we have to use html, and insert it into the tiny textboxes where they let us put what text we want showing on our profile. They're about twice the size of the thumbnail pics in the google pic search results.

They have two different tabs in the style part- the illiterate-friendly gui, and the css code. I wish, in the edit profile part, they would add a tab to allow us the freedom of doing our own code.

All well, we make do.

Alex, did you try using <text color=> ?
Guessing they changed what we are allowed to put into it sometime recently? I had my profile made for couple of months and it was fine. I took it all down the other day due to a asshat causing problems *long story* and had it all saved in a txt file. I went to copy and paste it back in the other night and now it's no longer accepted. So now I almost don't feel like remaking it again and instead I just put my old profile up as my current website until I get it designed.
Nope, it was my only body tag. MFC allows bodies though.

If you look at a model's profile, their custom code begins right after the About Me table ends. A lot of models put stuff in the Meaning of Life spot too.

And it's ok Luna, I got what I wanted once I set the colors under Customize.
Maybe bringing this thread from death...

Yesterday AlexLady was struggling with MFC's code limitation to update her profile and I guess other models and even members have the same problem. It would be much better if MFC could tell us which tags are allowed. But as they seem to be busy, I decided to test the most common tags and see which ones we can use.

First thing to note is that some some tags are allowed in some text fields, other don't. For example. I couldn't insert <embed> in the Occupation/Major field, but I could in the About Me.

<br />
<font> *
<h1> to <h6>
<hr />
<img />
<table> and its normal tags <tbody> <td> <th> <tr>
<u> *

Not allowed
<dl> and its subsequent tags <dt> and <dd>
All the tags that requires input from the user <form> <fieldset> <button> <input /> <option> <select> <textarea>

* Deprecated tag, but you can use anyway

The CSS feature never worked and I think MFC has no plans to make it work. So, you must use inline CSS.

<a style='color:white;background:blue' href='' title='Google' target='_blank'>Google</a>

If you use quotes (") to wrap the attributes (style, href, title...) values, MFC will convert it to apostrophe (').

As the style tag is not allowed, you can't define other states like :hover or :active.

Parsing problems
MFC has some problems parsing the code. Normally, it gives an error message if you wrap a tag with another tag.

This is a valid HTML code, but MFC gives an error. You can however use <a> and <span> separately.

Chars not allowed
In some cases the following chars are not allowed for security reasons : ; {}

Completely forbidden either using the <script> tag or using inline actions (onmouseover, onclick...).
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Reactions: VeeValencia
Wow, thanks so much MyCamGirl!

That is a huge help, and might even motivate me to go work on my profile today.

P.S. I'm a fan of your site :)
Please forgive me if there is an inappropriate place, but I didn't think this was worth creating a new thread for. I tried to post an Imgur-hosted photo to a model's profile using the following code cut and pasted from my Imgur account:
<img src="" alt="Hosted by" />
After posting, it looked fine. The image appeared on the profile page. There's another post :oops: just before it where I didn't do such a great job.

Anyway, now all I see is a small frame with the alt text. It's just a 60ish k GIF image.
New, strange limitations regarding images

Working on my profile...some images work, some don't, even if they are the same size image and I'm using the same code. wtf,
Thanks! I tried imageshack again before you had a chance to respond, and that's working now. If it effs up again, I'll host them on my prof. Thanks again!
OMG I have absolutely no idea about css or html codes but I really want to have my profile set up nicely. I have searched the internet for information but it seems some of the stuff I have copied in to the text boxes work but most will not work.

Can anyone help me please? I just want to be able to have private password protected galleries for photos and videos oh and have a number of framed text boxes with information in about me ect.

If anyone can help me or code something pretty for me that will be much appreciated!!

I have been trying to get my head around it for days now and not had much luck.

Please post any useful websites too.

Thank you so much girls!! X :) [/color]
Okay, I read everything and I have found no solution for my problem. I am trying to put some rules on my profile I got help from Tryit editor v1.4 and it was fine I just cant put it on mfc, it doesnt work help me pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Need more to go on :p
What did it give you, what are you hoping it'll look like. Examples are better than....nothing. "i need help, it doesn't work" - what doesn't...need more input! :)
I know this is quite old... have there been any advancements? I've resorted to just using an entire image that my friend spent a few hours cutting up and coding for me.... and it obviously didn't allow custom DIVs etc...

How does mine look just as an image? Any negatives to doing it this way?

username is PetitePetal
PetitePetal. said:
I know this is quite old... have there been any advancements? I've resorted to just using an entire image that my friend spent a few hours cutting up and coding for me.... and it obviously didn't allow custom DIVs etc...

How does mine look just as an image? Any negatives to doing it this way?

username is PetitePetal
Your image looks fine.
MissWhooty said:
Guessing they changed what we are allowed to put into it sometime recently? I had my profile made for couple of months and it was fine. I took it all down the other day due to a asshat causing problems *long story* and had it all saved in a txt file. I went to copy and paste it back in the other night and now it's no longer accepted. So now I almost don't feel like remaking it again and instead I just put my old profile up as my current website until I get it designed.

I think you're right. There were some link buttons on my profile that I had to take down, because in the last week they started taking people to the search profiles page, yeah...that's not my Amazon wishlist. Though I don't know why several others still seem to work. Still trying to figure out why they won't link properly like they did. :think:
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