AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

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ACF Owner & Admin. (I don't work for CB.)
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Cam Model
Mar 1, 2010
AmberLand (Seattle, WA)
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Im Jorge! its pronounced HORHEY, but Ambzz calls me George! lol!! Makes me feel special! Im from texas been watching Amber for a cpl months now and i had a wife that worked on MFC!

I love the new site Ambzzz i have already bookmarked it!
I am Frankie. I like unicorns and watching people get ripped apart in horror movies. Oh and I game, but not as 1337 as Miss Amber here. I'm just casual. :D
I'm Naomi :) I absolutely love to watch cam girls but I can't say I've found one I enjoy watching more than Amber :p

I game... I love to play WoW among many other video games... I also think Amber is awesome and think more models should have the most wonderful attitude that she does. We gotta keep supporting wonderful hot girls like Amber because there are very few of them in this world. We're lucky she shares so much with us!
I'm morment.
I watch Amber whenever I catch her on and tip when I can, but I'm a bit on the quiet side so she might not recognize the name.

I game too, but I'm not that big on the online aspect of it. I totally agree with Naomi, there need to be more chicks like Amber around, and Frankie and Naomi too while I'm thinking about it. :wink:
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I'm bawksy, and I'm a faggot.

Also, Frank, where the fuck have you been?
Haven't been feeling to MFC-y for a while now, not sure why.

But I miss all you fags, no homo.

Maybe a little homo.
galactic6 said:
I have no excuses, but I hang out in Amber's room almost exclusively (when the hell are you on, Frankie?)

My motto - All our tokens are belong to Amber!

Oh I'm nothing special to check out anyways. And usually WAY late (anywhere from 11pm to midnight CST). I'm a night owl. :oops:
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morment said:
I'm morment.
I watch Amber whenever I catch her on and tip when I can, but I'm a bit on the quiet side so she might not recognize the name.

I game too, but I'm not that big on the online aspect of it. I totally agree with Naomi, there need to be more chicks like Amber around, and Frankie and Naomi too while I'm thinking about it. :wink:

We could rule the interwebz! O_O
o hi i'm elbow or Jamie in between mfc i'm usually on aion - 42 gladiator Caycee otherwise downloading random shit on the webs

Powah level meeeeee Ambutts!
Jawbs said:
Cypher_17 said:
wat else u not wearin bb

I didn't get to finish. My socks are off so I can slide into Amber's undies and prance around the house.

Do you go naked under the undies or do you rock the superman look?
Who am I? Might have seen me around MFC. I mostly log in to chat having the site run on the background while I'm doing other stuff on the computer, but lately I've been busy and not on much.
Just thought I'd stop by and say hi, Amber. Hope the site continues to grow and your beauty glow.

P.S. max of 60000 characters per post, lol =]