AmberCutie's Forum
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Your favorite Ambercutie forum members

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Inactive Cam Model
Nov 3, 2010
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So I thought it would be fun to point out who our favorite ACF members are and why. I will start :)

LovelyLemon...for obvious reasons, she is full of win!I love her posts, her way with words and how smart she is.

...I always enjoy the random posts. I always learn something and find most of the things he posts really interesting.

Jupiter...he makes me laugh, is a sweetheart and I think we are pretty similar based on what Ive learned about him here. sexay lady ( I haz a girl crush ;) )and I think we would get along really well in person.

Im sure I will have more to add to this list...your turn guys :)
For me, it's mostly the members that make the forum what it is. Like, Bocefish, Jupiter, and Bawksy. This forum just wouldn't seem as fun without them around. (everyone else too, but these three are the ones that come to mind)

Camstory, because his posts usually make me think (if only to figure out what the fuck he said, because it SEEMS to make sense, only it doesn't without some work)

RogueWarrior is just awesome.

PaulieWalnuts has one of the sexiest minds I've ever seen (the absolute sexiest mind goes to my current partner, of course)

I really admire Shawn__, mostly because he didn't leave and kept persisting even when he was getting trolled real bad, and has succeeded in finding a place here.

From the models, who is most active keeps changing. LilRedHairedGirl makes me laugh quite often, but also sometimes comes out with some really good points. LovelyLemon has some amazing posts (I *still* have to look them up and thank all those really great ones from earlier in the forum...). FrankieChemical is one of my Heroes. AliceDoe is an incredible woman, and while Poker_Babe kinda rubbed me the wrong way at first, I've come to see just how awesome she really is. OhMyStarz and LadyBakes have had some very informative posts here as well.

But anyone who sticks around, and does their best to be friendly, intelligent, and tolerant, well, in my book, they're one of my favorites. These are just the people who stand out to me at the moment.

So even if you weren't mentioned, know that you're still appreciated by me.
Dark1337 said:
Ambercutie I loooove brownie points. :dance:
That made me laugh!

Hmm, I really enjoy reading what AlexLady has to say. I usually find it informative or interesting.

Lilredhairedgirl always has interesting information and/or makes me laugh and we get along really well. :)

I find PaulieWalnuts to be very well spoken and it's easy for me to understand what he's saying. I respect his ability to vocalize his thoughts so well, if only for the fact that I'm hella jealous and wish I could do the same.

JJ of course, because she has an extremely level head on her shoulders and seems to always post amazing advice.
Good luck with this one.

But I'll go, I doesn't afraid.
I like every one! :-D My favorites change as fast as my screen names at MFC
I guess in the interest of avoiding feeling like a total cop-out, I will mention a few, but really I like so many it would make for a very long post if I listed all. In no particular order.
VeronicaChaos:I think her view of how ppl should treat each other is very much like my own.
LadyLuna:her honesty, and ability to keep it beautifully simple. Also her view of how ppl should treat each other.
SoTxBob: for being my PT editor & voice of reason. Also for the sage advice he has given me many times, after receiving 500 words whimpering about getting beat up here, and why it wasn't fair, and that i was never coming back, and... (no body should remove him from their x-mas list, I would have come back on my own, sooner or later.) I remember exactly what he said to me. Most of the time he said, "Pfttt", and once I believe it was, " :crying-yellow: Pfttt :eek:bscene-buttsway: "
I went away to switch the laundry and get a few chores done before the warden got home. What I was sure would happen after I posted, happened while I did the dishes. I thought of a half a dozen more like Sophia, and Roxie, and ... But let me finish with the original 6or7 that came to mind, as brifly as I can.
Jup: For more than once, in the early days, mediating when I ruffled some one's feathers.
LilRedHairedGirl:Because she PMed me, and basically said, stop trying so hard, and if you end up with a wall of text, post it. If you don't want to post it, send it to me and I'll read it. (This at a time when I really needed it.) And a little later she said,

And I have to give mention to V.V.V./Very Verbose Vic, or just Vic:, cuz he lives with me. And, Bawksy: b/c he could kill all of us and he lets us live, and b/c he can post gif's of pink ponies with the message, "I'll rape you until you like it". Which anyone who is determined could do, it's called 'Stockholm syndrome', but I couldn't post that shit and get away with it.
Rogue, and especially Mynameisbob: for their writing ability.
And lastly, our 'Dear Leader' Amber: for making it all possible.
LadyLuna said:
while Poker_Babe kinda rubbed me the wrong way at first,
I rubbed you wrong??? :woops: I'm sorry. I only ever want to rub you the way you like :happy-jumpgreen:

LadyLuna said:
I've come to see just how awesome she really is.
Awwwww thank you sweetie.
I didn't think anyone was actually gonna mention me in this thread to tell you the truth. What a nice surprise.
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Shaun__ said:
I love everyone here, well except for that one person.
Hahahaha Shaun, sometimes u kill me. :lol:
Poker_Babe said:
LadyLuna said:
while Poker_Babe kinda rubbed me the wrong way at first,
I rubbed you wrong??? :woops: I'm sorry. I only ever want to rub you the way you like :happy-jumpgreen:

LadyLuna said:
I've come to see just how awesome she really is.
Awwwww thank you sweetie.
I didn't think anyone was actually gonna mention me in this thread to tell you the truth. What a nice surprise.
Silly girl, you were part of that half dozen that came to mind doing the dishes. I have thought of a half dozen more since. This might be one of the rare times it's easier to hate every one. No :snooty: that's not right.
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I thought of a member, that, well, not exactly a favorite. But I got to say I miss him. Sharing the forum with him was something like getting your picture taken with a lepro. your complexion doesn't have to be great, to be the one with nice skin.

camstory said:
and especially Mynameisbob: for their writing ability.

Why thank ya, sir :-D. You are also one of my favourites on this here board.

Before I list any favourites of my own (besides camstory) I should point out that if you don't make my list, please don't think it's 'cos I hate you and want you to die. It's not :)

(in no particular order, yo)

Evvie - she's intelligent and funny and her posts are just generally bad-ass
Lilredhairedgirl - she's super duper sweet and she likes Bukowski, which makes her one cool mofo
The_Brown_Fox - she's a bad-ass lady with the lady balls to speak her mind at all times
LeenaLiberty - her taste in music is soo-poib (that's superb but with a New Yorker accent - I don't know why :?)
Rosemary - she's one funny chick and she has an awesome avatar :-D
JoleneJolene - the gif she posted of her playing air guitar with her lady bit is maybe the best thing I've ever seen posted on a forum :-D
blackxrose - she just seems like a really sweet and genuine chick
AmberCutie - like camstory said, she makes all this possible, yo :)
Shaun__ said:
I love everyone here, well except for that one person.

Am I that one person....? :)

Shaun, I think we are psychic soul-mates, we just don't know it yet...

There needs to be a ACF reunion...
I would be nice to actually meet all you people in the flesh.....
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I pretty much enjoy reading everyone's thoughts and comments here, our differences are what makes forums interesting. The three that immediately came into my melon are Amber, Amy and JoJo in alphabetical order. Their common sense, intelligence and sense of humor almost always seems to impress. For anybody that lists me, I'm making notes and will try harder to somehow piss you off in the future. :)
I was going to skip this for fear of forgetting someone, but the chance to say nice things about you all is too tempting. Here I go...
Jolene- for inviting me here and being the coolest gal ever basically (all that Coolsville air must be working)
RogueWarrior- because he lets me yap about pointless stuff at him sometimes
MrRodry- cutest avatars always (i'm easily swayed)
Paulie- he's my dude crush of the forum
LilRed- she always finds the humor in a situation
Amber- she keeps people in line peaceably
BlackXRose- wears her heart on her sleeve
Foxy and Nordling- it's cute that they always agree
Lemon- her posts are always good enough to read twice
and pretty much all the girls- because theys pretty :-D
OK well a list of members I don't like would be much easier to make LOL, but... I would never do that.
That's something Richard Nixon would do LOL. (ie, the Famous Enemies List)

I'll start by listing the Cam Models who always inspire me:
and SophiaLocke

I love how LeenaLiberty post things she feels are important for us to be informed of... even when the things she has to say aren't very popular or things that some of us do not necessarily want to hear. She puts doing what she feels is morally right, before worrying about social acceptance. That's not something that is easy for most people to do. You may agree or disagree with her posts, but you still have to admire her for that alone.

The_Brown_Fox, Sheila_Jewel, Miss_Lollipop, JoleneJolene, Nordling, Angellina_xxx, Jupiter551, Evvie, schlmoe, blackxrose, JickyJuly, Evvie, CammiStar, LadyLuna, RogueWarrior, Camstory, Bocefish, LeenaLiberty, and I know that there have got to be a few more I couldn't remember right away (my humblest apologies, please forgive my absent mindedness if I didn't list you just yet); Have had my back and stuck up for me in one way or another.

Nordling has been one of the most considerate and thoughtful members to me and many others. He remembered to keep voting for me the other month, on, always pays attention to all my tweets and as well as my posts here on ACF.

this list is not done BTW, I have more to list, but I have to let my bf used my laptop right now, and I don't have time to finish this post until later.

But trust me, I do have more.
To be continued...
Evvie, LovelyLemon, LadyLuna, JickyJuly, Lilred, The_Brown_Fox, CammiStar, Miss_Lollipop and CassidyNicole are all very well spoken (typed?), helpful, intelligent and usually entertaining as fuck (unless someone be trollin' and in that case, they're entertaining in a "Wow, you're clever" way instead of a "Wow, you're funny" way).

AlexLady I have to point out is someone I dig because she's outspoken, loud (and with such a cute voice) and while she's not always right, she stands her ground like no one else I've seen before. She has balls the size of bowling balls.

And I have to do it... bawksy. While he's...bawksy and everyone once in awhile wants to lynch him he's also created some of the more helpful threads outside of the Model's Only area. For a giant ass hat, he's fairly helpful.

90% of mynameisbob84 posts either amuses me (pretty normal) or I completely agree with (totally abnormal). I can appreciate that on a forum.

AmberCutie, of course is the person who has given up her time, some parts of her sanity and most of her patience to allow us all to have a place to chat, share tips, experiences and connect with other models & members in a way I haven't really seen anywhere else in the camming world. At least not the in the "close knit" way that ACF allows. It's awesome that she created this and maintains it without losing her shit and nuking the board when she goes badly.
LeenaLiberty said:
Am I that one person....? :)

Shaun, I think we are psychic soul-mates, we just don't know it yet...

There needs to be a ACF reunion...
I would be nice to actually meet all you people in the flesh.....

The only way to get me mad is to be mean to one of my friends, and you have never done anything of the sort. I have no problem with people having world views I disagree with.
Since I'm the Admin and owner of the board, it would be inappropriate for me to pick out favorites. But I will take this opportunity to say that I super duper appreciate those of you who are so active and helpful on ACF. Some of you have been here since the beginning and continue to treat it like it's your own child and help me nurture and take care of it since it's grown too big for me to handle all on my own.

Thank you everyone for making ACF so spectacular!
LeenaLiberty said:
There needs to be a ACF reunion...
I would be nice to actually meet all you people in the flesh.....
I like this idea. So when can everyone get to California? :-D
poker_babe said:
I love how LeenaLiberty post things... She puts doing what she feels is morally right, before worrying about social acceptance. That's not something that is easy for most people to do. You may agree or disagree with her posts, but you still have to admire her for that alone.
Frankie said:
90% of mynameisbob84 posts either amuses me (pretty normal) or I completely agree with (totally abnormal).
made me laugh a lot b/c I think I was reading more into it than was meant, but still very funny for Vic and I. :lol:
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Poker_Babe said:
I love how LeenaLiberty post things she feels are important for us to be informed of... even when the things she has to say aren't very popular or things that some of us do not necessarily want to hear. She puts doing what she feels is morally right, before worrying about social acceptance. That's not something that is easy for most people to do. You may agree or disagree with her posts, but you still have to admire her for that alone.

PB, I TRULY appreciate that comment, from the bottom of my heart. For real.....
That is the nicest thing I have heard...
I know I can be a bit of a bitch here in my political postings and what not and I am not trying to ostracize anyone or myself.... ... but you know where I am coming from. Thanks again, much peace and love to ya.Keep it real. :)
camstory said:
LeenaLiberty said:
There needs to be a ACF reunion...
I would be nice to actually meet all you people in the flesh.....
I like this idea. So when can everyone get to California? :-D

Maybe I can get all the Texas Broads together for a roadtrip and we can pick up some other chicks along the way... Who has an RV we can borrow.... ?
Sounds like a fun time to me... Perhaps a documentary in the making...or just a really good time :)
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First of all, what Frankie said about Amber. Couldn't be said better, no need to expound.

Secondly, thanks to those who mentioned me. Quite surprised.

Thirdly, I could probably mention everyone on this forum who is a regular poster, for one reason or another. Therefore I have narrowed it down to those with whom I feel some sort of connection.

In a stream-of-consciousness, no-particular-order sort of way, here goes:

Cammi - For some reason, she pretty much "gets" me. Must be an 80's hair band brain cell loss thing. :)

Leena & Poker - Sorry to lump you together, but it's the Libertarian thing. And Leena's got the music angle, Poker's got the Star Wars. Win, win.

Jicky - Mostly, because, you know, she's just so perfectly, incredibly...........Jicky.

FoxyBrown (theBrownFox) - Always insightful, usually right. (My perception.)

JJ - One of my faves from when I first stumbled on this site.

I must stop now, for fear of this becoming waaaaaaay too long.

mynameisbob - A true audiophile whom I can always count on in the music sub-forum to provide not only good music, but education as well.

Nordling - Because he frustrates me in the stupid Word Game thread.

camstory - I have no freaking idea.

SoTxBob - He's from Texas and green. What more can I say?
If I had to choose just one person, I'd say Miss_Lollipop. She's got a great attitude, and is always willing to speak her mind and express her real thoughts on a matter. You can always count on her to put a guy in his place if he's not behaving well. I love the way she's not afraid to let her personality shine through in all her posts.

AmberCutie is a close runner-up. Not just because of the amazing job she does running this place, but also because she always has such insightful and helpful posts.

Evvie and LadyLuna also deserve a prominent position on that list.
LeenaLiberty said:
Poker_Babe said:
I love how LeenaLiberty post things she feels are important for us to be informed of... even when the things she has to say aren't very popular or things that some of us do not necessarily want to hear. She puts doing what she feels is morally right, before worrying about social acceptance. That's not something that is easy for most people to do. You may agree or disagree with her posts, but you still have to admire her for that alone.

PB, I TRULY appreciate that comment, from the bottom of my heart. For real.....
That is the nicest thing I have heard...
I know I can be a bit of a bitch here in my political postings and what not and I am not trying to ostracize anyone or myself.... ... but you know where I am coming from. Thanks again, much peace and love to ya.Keep it real. :)
Feeling strongly about your politics isn't being B wordy. lol I learned many years ago not to judge someone by party, religion or philosophy. You and PokerBabe both strike me as kind, generous, thoughtful people, nothing like the common stereotypes of libertarians or objectivists. So, keep on keeping on with your beliefs and and telling the world about them. Always a chance that all sides can learn by exploring each other's arguments. :)
LeenaLiberty said:
camstory said:
LeenaLiberty said:
There needs to be a ACF reunion...
I would be nice to actually meet all you people in the flesh.....
I like this idea. So when can everyone get to California? :-D

Maybe I can get all the Texas Broads together for a roadtrip and we can pick up some other chicks along the way... Who has an RV we can borrow.... ?
Sounds like a fun time to me... Perhaps a documentary in the making...or just a really good time :)

Perhaps a few models could band together and use their feminine wiles in order to convince Leo that purchasing a couple customized travelling camgirl RVs would be in his best interest. He could probably write 'em off as advertising expenses... similar to the "Girls Gone Wild" RVs but higher tech. :whistle:

I volunteer to drive. :mrgreen:
I had left this thread, and put my thoughts elsewhere. I had long since thought of all the regular posters here, and even the trickle of names who are not so prolific, yet we all know, like, Los, and Kitty had stopped dripping in.

Then I saw a name who I totally had passed by. Quietly he continues to be here very regularly. When I realized I had overlooked him, I was worried everyone else would too. He is the relative that sits unnoticed at the back of the room, and says little, in a low, soft, unassuming voice. If you're lucky enough to be sitting near to him you might hear him saying something now and then. If you pay attention you come to understand the gentle wisdom of the things he says. I don't often pay enough attention, but when I do this is my impression of GreatDane. I did not want him to go un mentioned. Now, I wonder if there are others as deserving, who we have failed to mention?

I must add, that the mention by Rogue, was very unexpected, and part of me says i should not have been so pleased with it, but i could not help myself - I laughed and cackled and laughed some more. Good Shite :-D
I have a loooooooonnnnnnggggggggg list, but if I could choose just a few, these would be it.
In no particular order by the way.

Frankie Chemical


My faves are pretty much anybody who has been honest,nice, and has made me smile. Oh, and has made this place the most advice-filled friendly forum there is.
Thank you to all forum members.
I know there is more, but for the time being, my brain is not working. :violin:
JickyJuly - she tells it like it is, and her posts make me go "Hell yeah, TELL it, girl!"

LadyLuna - she often says what I'm thinking, and she words it so perfectly

Mynameisbob84 - cool guy with a good sense of humor

Nordling - a great guy who's an excellent, supportive friend who I can chat with for a looong time, and he's got my back

PokerBabe - a sweetheart who's always thinking of others

Shaun__ - a sweet guy and the voice of reason

SNATCH - she's funny and doesn't allow people to walk all over her...I LOVE that.

And thank you to those of you who mentioned me in this thread...that was a pleasant surprise. :) This is a great forum, and I have enjoyed/am enjoying getting to know many of you.
:D I've been reluctant to create a list, since like camstory or was it shaun... said... it changes from day to day. lol The people on this forum as a group are fantastic, so I will simply list my one favorite cam model, Brown Fox, but everyone else continues to be on a continuing, winding, wonderful list of ever changing favorites. :)
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